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- EA's that work well with US margins
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EA's that work well with US margins
Jul 07, 2014 at 19:18
Membro Desde Feb 24, 2014
190 posts
Hello all! I was wondering if there were any EA's out there that work well with a 1:50 margin that we are stuck with in the US. Not looking for a massive investment as well but looking for something that is safe(ish) and sustainable.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
Membro Desde Dec 15, 2010
784 posts
Membro Desde Feb 22, 2011
4573 posts
Jul 08, 2014 at 14:43
Membro Desde Feb 22, 2011
4573 posts
askew8 posted:
Hello all! I was wondering if there were any EA's out there that work well with a 1:50 margin that we are stuck with in the US. Not looking for a massive investment as well but looking for something that is safe(ish) and sustainable.
Thanks in advance!
to answer your question - any profitable EA would work.
You just need to adjust the trade size to limitation of your US broker. (or better said adjust the trade size per balance )
So your relative profit will be lower compared to non US broker.
Jul 08, 2014 at 14:53
Membro Desde Feb 24, 2014
190 posts
@togr You are the best! I love your system so far! My thing is that I am also looking to get an EA that I can manage on my own with my crazy restrictions as a US citizen without having to do all the crazyness that I have been reading about such as IBC's and offshore stuff. The issue I see is that even though I get great signal offers, those will at some point end and I want something sustainable... Unless when you are ready to call it quits, you offer your EA (to buy of course) to your subscribers 😉
Jul 08, 2014 at 14:56
(editado Jul 08, 2014 at 14:59)
Membro Desde May 22, 2012
219 posts
The problem is that few people know how identify a profitable strategie. Most of them have a sobreoptimized strategie ( for example testing with tiny irreal spread and too much reasons more)
Pd: How many people knows that spread is charged 2 times in an operation?? One for entry and one for out ??
Pd: How many people knows that spread is charged 2 times in an operation?? One for entry and one for out ??
Caution ¡¡ Forex market is full of scams ¡¡
Jul 08, 2014 at 17:24
Membro Desde Aug 21, 2013
14 posts
optimofx posted:
Pd: How many people knows that spread is charged 2 times in an operation?? One for entry and one for out ??
This is not true. Spread is charged only once. You always buy at the ask and sell at the bid. Regardless of which of these you do first, the math always works out the same.
Good broker accepting US customers: Trader's Way
Membro Desde Feb 22, 2011
4573 posts
Jul 09, 2014 at 07:15
Membro Desde Feb 22, 2011
4573 posts
askew8 posted:
@togr You are the best! I love your system so far! My thing is that I am also looking to get an EA that I can manage on my own with my crazy restrictions as a US citizen without having to do all the crazyness that I have been reading about such as IBC's and offshore stuff. The issue I see is that even though I get great signal offers, those will at some point end and I want something sustainable... Unless when you are ready to call it quits, you offer your EA (to buy of course) to your subscribers 😉
well I see your point. In such case you need to go trough good system here on MFB that
actually runs on accounts with leverage like 1:50
IMHO you can't however use lvrg filter https://www.myfxbook.com/systems here
Membro Desde Jun 03, 2010
675 posts
Jul 09, 2014 at 09:38
Membro Desde Jun 03, 2010
675 posts
Togr said correctly. Every profitable EA will work on every leverage levels. Main problem is deposit that might be required to open some higher positions (like in case of Martingale). Everything needs calculation then. But assuming to problem, I will say exactly the same what togr is saying - every profitable EA will work.
PAMM MANAGER // Professional Fund Manager
Membro Desde May 08, 2012
316 posts
Jul 09, 2014 at 20:16
Membro Desde May 08, 2012
316 posts
askew8 posted:
... without having to do all the crazyness that I have been reading about such as IBC's and offshore stuff.
When you say crazy that tells me your lazy. I did the offshore business last year to gain access to the premier brokers that offer real margin levels like XM at 888:1 up to 20K per account. The Dolt-Faggot 50:1 doesn't cut it. If you do have a good EA, the lower margin limits will cost you many thousands of dollars over the life of your trading due to the required risk reduction.
Besides, why not get some money out of the reach of your government. We are currently milk cows to them, but the day is coming when they are going to want to treat you like a beef cow. Better to have some money elsewhere just in case. I even moved away from the USD in my brokerage account and funded in AUD cuz I know, one day in the not too distant future, we Amerikans are going to wake up one Saturday morning to a bank holiday and a forced currency revaluation. Diversification is always good.
War is when your government tells you who the enemy is. Revolution is when you figure out, for yourself, who the enemy is.

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