Goal thing

Dec 05, 2011 at 09:07
859 Visualizações
1 Replies
Membro Desde Feb 07, 2011   691 posts
Dec 05, 2011 at 09:07 (editado Dec 05, 2011 at 09:08)
Thanks guys, keep up the good work. But this one is quite depressing.

"You have reached 0% of your goal."

I.o.w's : "You suck...!!"
Membro Desde Nov 18, 2009   708 posts
Dec 06, 2011 at 16:32

TheCyclist posted:
Thanks guys, keep up the good work. But this one is quite depressing.
"You have reached 0% of your goal."

I.o.w's : "You suck...!!"

LOL china. Depends on how you look at it.
0 % reached, in other words, you still have 100 % of the fun (and work) left for ya!!!!
Aren't you a bit pessimistic at times, for a SA guy? The others I know personally, are so happy go lucky, easy chaps. I remember my first time on OR Tambo, believe it or not, landed and within 5 minutes, 2 different Boer guys came to me talking in Afrikaans, smiling, it's good to be home again brother, or something. I told them sorry, not South African, but others told me later I look & dress like one, probably that's why they wanted to buddy up. LOL
Surround yourself with people whose eyes light up when they see you and who have no agenda for your reform.
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