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Website Downtime
Membro Desde Jul 31, 2009
1417 posts
Oct 21, 2010 at 16:42
Membro Desde Jul 31, 2009
1417 posts
Hi Guys,
Our hosting provider was experiencing an issue with one of our servers, and looks like they need to replace it completely.
We're in the process of moving and restoring the data on another server and hopefully it will be completed within the next few hours.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Our hosting provider was experiencing an issue with one of our servers, and looks like they need to replace it completely.
We're in the process of moving and restoring the data on another server and hopefully it will be completed within the next few hours.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Membro Desde Jul 31, 2009
1417 posts
Oct 21, 2010 at 20:01
Membro Desde Jul 31, 2009
1417 posts
flyingfx posted:
quite unimpressive. was this a security breach? My computer was detecting virus threats from your page. what information did you lose etc. Please give accurate details.
When exactly did you receive virus threats?
This was simply a hardware failure of both disk drives on the same server (which is highly unlikely), so the only option left was to move to a new server.
Membro Desde Oct 28, 2009
1409 posts
Oct 21, 2010 at 21:11
Membro Desde Oct 28, 2009
1409 posts
I take it you already realised that our pretty little pictures have disappeared?
11:15, restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
Membro Desde Jul 31, 2009
1417 posts
Oct 21, 2010 at 21:19
Membro Desde Jul 31, 2009
1417 posts
stevetrade posted:
I take it you already realised that our pretty little pictures have disappeared?
Yes, indeed. We're working on it.
Unfortunately, both the main hard drive and the backup drive were wiped out, so I'm not sure if we'll be able to restore the images.
Membro Desde Jul 31, 2009
1417 posts
Oct 21, 2010 at 21:32
Membro Desde Jul 31, 2009
1417 posts
Please note that we haven't completed the transfer to the new server yet, so you might still experience some outages.
Your patience is much appreciated while we resolve it.
Your patience is much appreciated while we resolve it.
Membro Desde Jul 31, 2009
1417 posts
Oct 21, 2010 at 21:57
Membro Desde Jul 31, 2009
1417 posts
flyingfx posted:
a few hours ago
it came up with a warning not to enter the site and when I said 'enter anyway' it tried to redirect me to an https site and then failed, maybe its my computer but only happening on your webpage
Oh, this is just a warning of your browser saying it's browsing from secured pages to non-secure page. This happened since we're changing the configuration of the server in order to make the move to the new server. For now SSL has been disabled to avoid such errors.
Membro Desde Jul 31, 2009
1417 posts
Oct 22, 2010 at 00:30
Membro Desde Jul 31, 2009
1417 posts
IXBONE posted:
i suggest to use a raid system, depending on your space, you can use raid1 raid10 raid50 + 2 hot spare disks + redundant powersupply + 1 lowcost mirror server to sync realtime
my 2c
IX, thanks for the 2c 😄
The setup was indeed a raid 1 - the raid controller was faulty and caused both of the disks to fail without an option to restore the data.
Lesson learned the hard way 😳. We're already working on a redundant solution with multiple backups.
Oct 22, 2010 at 02:21
Membro Desde Mar 02, 2010
95 posts
Staff posted:
IXBONE posted:
i suggest to use a raid system, depending on your space, you can use raid1 raid10 raid50 + 2 hot spare disks + redundant powersupply + 1 lowcost mirror server to sync realtime
my 2c
IX, thanks for the 2c 😄
The setup was indeed a raid 1 - the raid controller was faulty and caused both of the disks to fail without an option to restore the data.
Lesson learned the hard way 😳. We're already working on a redundant solution with multiple backups.
you're welcome :)
seems you are using an adaptec raid controller, i suggest using raid controllers which writing the raid config to the hard disks, if a raid controller fails, change the faulty controller and restart your server
another solution: duplexing = 2x raid controller, raid1 at each controller, one hot spare at each controller
my 2x2c

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