Commercial offers should be backed by real, verified accounts resultados da votação

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Commercial offers should be backed by real, verified accounts Discussão

Dec 16, 2010 at 09:34
2,127 Visualizações
21 Replies
Membro Desde Mar 28, 2011   1008 posts
May 28, 2011 at 18:02
With that many Demo watermarks I agree.

But with a simple 'Demo' in the widget heading or footer wouldn't be sufficient.

How about No widgets for Demo accounts .lol. This way, the demo commercial members have to take the time to screenshot their system page.
Membro Desde Jan 28, 2010   257 posts
May 30, 2011 at 06:17 (editado May 30, 2011 at 06:18)

Staff posted:
    Guys, we do read every post in the suggestion box, problem is there are many different suggestions in this one suggestion, which I will sum up quickly:

1. Force the broker data to show on public accounts - implemented.
2. Watermark charts with demo/real text - still considering it (either watermark or a small redesign to include the data on top of the page).
3. Manually separating commercial from non commercial systems - there is no automated way of doing so, and doing it manually for more than 10,000 systems which are added on a monthly basis, would be impossible, to say the least.

So the only option now is number 2 - do you think it is sufficient?

As a side note, all of the necessary information which is required to decide if the account is valid (each one and his own criteria obviously) is fully available to each member (broker, demo/real, trading behavior and so on).

I think a good starting point would be to first implement this :,2

>> Allow only fully verified accounts to be made public.

That alone will eliminate a large chunk from public listing. Thereafter implementing a solution that meets the objective of the suggestion of this thread will be simple.

Ultimately, myfxbook Staff resources are better spent on enhancing the analytical features available to the trader, of this great tool/platform that has already been built instead of wasting them on mundane stuff.

Therefore, the easiest option to achieve the objective of this particular suggestion should be adopted and implemented so that it doesn't become a strain on myfxbook HR resources.

And the objective is to be able to easily separate/identify commercial accounts from personal accounts. Just an additional parameter in the 'General' tab of the system which identifies it as 'Commercial' or 'Personal' would suffice. This parameter to be also included in the Systems Search page. And the said parameter should become available for selection in the system settings page only for real accounts.
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