Tom'sEa WPFX LIVE (Por TomsEaWPFXlive)

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Tom'sEa WPFX LIVE Discussão

Aug 17, 2011 at 20:57
63,651 Visualizações
1,196 Replies
Membro Desde Dec 30, 2011   7 posts
Aug 09, 2012 at 06:13
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of MT4 build 416 or 419?

Membro Desde Feb 22, 2011   4862 posts
Aug 13, 2012 at 08:26
kevinf posted:
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of MT4 build 416 or 419?

Membro Desde Dec 30, 2011   7 posts
Aug 13, 2012 at 20:57
togr posted:
kevinf posted:
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of MT4 build 416 or 419?


thank-you,thank-you,thank-you 😁
Membro Desde Sep 24, 2009   19 posts
Aug 17, 2012 at 11:10

So are there any traders here still using Toms EA live and are getting good results with no high DD?

I have been testing the EA the last two months on pepperstone and seems to be getting good results.

Membro Desde Feb 15, 2012   202 posts
Aug 17, 2012 at 12:10
Yes, good until blow
hope you can do 100% and withdraw before blow!!
Membro Desde Nov 13, 2011   53 posts
Aug 22, 2012 at 06:11
craneliu posted:
anybody know the recent promoation of Profit Agent from Dustin?
it seams a signal copy with tradency platform? I am not sure whether the so called Professional Master Signal is from TOMs EA or not.

You are kidding aren't you craneliu?!?! DP and his crew are the last place you should be placing any faith into.

He's taken Tom's EA, removed the ability for anyone to have the EA running on MT4, will only let you run on Tradency (so he gets a cut) and only via WorldProFX (who are an ok broker, but are exceedingly hard to deposit and withdraw funds from/to).

Pass looking after his own ass many of these guys around, shame really.
Membro Desde Oct 05, 2011   60 posts
Aug 22, 2012 at 19:09
@Pailrozza Tradency does not pay out per trade like so many think. They used to do that but well before we decided to relaunch this as Profit agent they changed their model. Just saying that us getting some commission had nothing to do with why we stopped selling it as an EA. The reason we stopped selling it as an EA was due to support issues. It seemed like each time MT4 did an update it affected the EA and the way it worked. We had one situation where it stopped working all together. In fact almost all EA's that used the dll feature stopped working and had to be updated. It was just to unstable of a platform for this strategy. Not to mention if someones dealing station lost connectivity for even a few hours it could cause the results to be affected quite a bit. We also had issue with people seeing the Authenticated sign and thinking that it was working when it hadn't actually been activated. The EA was just a headache to support. It worked great but everyone is not familiar with or efficient with its use.
Membro Desde Aug 22, 2010   23 posts
Aug 22, 2012 at 19:38
Whoah!!! I plunked down $2000 for Tom's EA. I haven't seen an update in quite a while. Are you saying that its no longer supported and I'm out on my own if there's a problem with it in the future? No updates? No support? What's with that?????

This has me really concerned about 'Global Profit' aka Dustin Pass and his support for the systems he is selling. I need some clarification on this Dustin. Are you supporting Tom's EA or not?
Membro Desde Oct 05, 2011   60 posts
Aug 22, 2012 at 20:01
statman posted:
Whoah!!! I plunked down $2000 for Tom's EA. I haven't seen an update in quite a while. Are you saying that its no longer supported and I'm out on my own if there's a problem with it in the future? No updates? No support? What's with that?????

This has me really concerned about 'Global Profit' aka Dustin Pass and his support for the systems he is selling. I need some clarification on this Dustin. Are you supporting Tom's EA or not?

Thats not at all what I am saying. In fact we are getting ready to release a new version with some new bells and whistles. Remember that the master account is running off of Toms EA so the EA will continue to be supported and improved. However, regarding updates. Updates are not required because its not strategy that needs much optimization. It is a finalized strategy that will work ongoing. If we need to optimize it in the future we can.
Membro Desde Sep 24, 2009   19 posts
Aug 23, 2012 at 04:41
I am in the same boat as Statman. I paid the $2000 to have the benefit of having support and updates. I hope the next version will be more stable and safe. When do you expect to have it out?
Membro Desde Aug 25, 2011   64 posts
Sep 03, 2012 at 20:15
GlobalProfit posted:

OK - if I understand, and I really tried to, the second and third links are both the mirror system? If so, then why on Earth do they look so completely different? Sorry, but for me you are increasing confusion not decreasing it! And what is the purpose of re-branding the EA in the first place? I can see no reason except that it allows you to keep your word to limit the sales of Tom's EA while allowing you to violate that statement by selling more of it under a different name. A very sleazy practice!

You got that all wrong. The top two are the same account but it has two myfxbook accounts attached to it. One is for those that have already signed up under toms ea to follow. The other is for those that sign up under profit agent to follow. This account is not used on the mirror trader at all. The reason we re-branded it was to due away with the EA for future purchasers.

The ea requires a lot of support and causes a lot of issues and seems to confuse a lot of people. There are also several variables that are out of our hands that also complicate things. Like Meta Trader making updates that makes the EA not work for example. This is why we re-branded it not to be able to sale it again. Hard to sell an automated system that doesn't use an EA but has the letters EA in the name... Does that make sense. We always told people we would sell it again at some point once the support was able to catch up and we felt everyone was settled in.

As far as the tradency account goes. Only one of these accounts is the tradency account and that is the one that is trading all six pairs. This is only confusing for the few that stumble into both threads. Of course the links are posted here now so that will create some confusion as well but hopefully my explanation will clear it up.

Thanks for the explanation/clarification. Am I correct then in concluding that any substantive changes that are made to TEA (which is, in fact, the engine of PA?) that modifiy the way it performs, hopefully for the better, will be proactively distributed to existing TEA members along with complete explanations of the changes? For example, I read somewhere that you are working on modifying TEA so that it will handle trending periods more favorably than it does now? Are both of these points correct?
Make it, or break it!
Membro Desde Nov 13, 2011   53 posts
Sep 28, 2012 at 01:37
Still waiting are we? Seems like another case of take the money and run...anyone seen any updates here of late? I don't really care what DP and his dodgy as all f@#k Global Profit team say or do...this is BS to the Nth degree.

Organisations like this should be sued for peddling their wares at extremely exorbitant prices and then crying foul when their users want updates?

At $2K a piece, I'm sure DP paid his mortgage off in a flash...and don't try and tell me you trade, you are a marketer, pure and simple.

I'll take my training and real market information from a reputable firm - TripleThreatTrading - these guys have never left me high and dry and teach you to trade, not make you reliant on a POS marketer that's out for a quick grab.

So long DP, I trust karma will come along and give you an insight into why you shouldn't f@#k people over.

Oh, and before you start trying to defend yourself will more BS claims about 'how you are all about the trader blah blah blah' - what was the most recent piece of BS you tried to pass off, wait...Trade Vantage anyone?

Take a moment to reflect on the number of peeps you have f@#ked over, over the's all going to come back to haunt you brother, one way or another.

I'd personally never be in the business of making money from the misery of others - it's REALLY bad juju, know what I mean?
Membro Desde Nov 08, 2011   9 posts
Sep 28, 2012 at 11:58
Couldnt agree more paulrozza.
Thums upp for that post :)
I am also sick and tired off all the excuses they use all the time to cover their own asses.
For me i will never buy anything from these greedy people ever again,i will also warn people about them in different forums as well.
Membro Desde Oct 05, 2011   60 posts
Sep 29, 2012 at 12:56
Paulrozza I have no idea what you are so bitter about. Toms EA is still going strong and working like a champ as you can see by the reporting here on myfxbook. People bought a product to perform automated trading and that's what they have received. We said the product was developed to attempt to achieve 100% return per year. As you can see it has been just a few month over a year and we are almost to 200%. Where have we mislead people. Where have we lied to people. Why do you have trust issues with us.

As far as updates go. The only updates that are currently being put out are primary user interface updates because the strategy does not need any optimization as it is currently making good returns. Last month this account did 8.01% ad this month although not over has done just shy of 5%. We continue to update the software as needed and always will.

Regarding me not being a trader. I am no longer a full time trader, that is correct but i don't need to be because I have automated my trading. I don't need to prove myself as I have already done so. I have managed millions and been very successful at doing so. In fact the last year I managed money per the NFA's audit we returned 165%. That may not sound like much to someone trading on a 3k account but how many people can do that in an account with over 7 figures. Not many.

To be transparent ( as I always am ) I am also a marketer. A pretty darn good one at that. People who are truly successful are successful in all parts of their lives. Success comes from a mind set and an additude. Being able to fail and keep going without getting emotional. That said I try to be the best I can be in all realms weather that be trading, marketing, as a father and a husband etc. So yes I am a good trader although not full time. And yes I am a good marketer and this is greatly do to my patience and lack of emotional response.

Notice my post does not have any ill tempered statements or cursing at etc. despite your slanderous remarks, I have learned over the years that in order to control success you must first learn to control yourself and of course when you sling dirt you lose ground.
Membro Desde Apr 22, 2011   42 posts
Oct 02, 2012 at 10:09

I would put it in so many colorful words.... but I completely agree with you. I also paid $2000 for a product that was promised support. Yet we get none... nothing.... ziltch!

Dustin..... You can try and justify you marketing all you want, but the fact is people paid a premium for your product and you have taken the $$$$ and said 'Thank you ... bye bye'
Membro Desde Sep 12, 2009   313 posts
Oct 02, 2012 at 10:13
Basically TOMS EA is a free EA he has re packed it and marketed well and sold , so he has no regrets
Membro Desde Nov 13, 2011   53 posts
Oct 02, 2012 at 10:38
@flopps - 10/4 good buddy, Pass and his cronies don't give a damn about the average trader - take the money and run.

@GlobalProfit - I've not been in a rush to respond to your comments, but time to address you in the manner you should by now have become accustomed to. In a phrase, and I don't use this phrase lightly (and please, anyone reading this post who disagrees with me, feel free to comment), I wouldn't stop to p1$$ on you if you were on fire, mother@#$@%#.

1) You re-badged Tom's EA as Profit Agent and put another marketing spiel behind it to fool more traders into believing your hype and bull$h1t. If you gave a damn, you'd actually support this product, and address the multitude of complaints on your own private forum from countless numbers of your members who accuse you of basically taking the money and running

2) Your product does not deliver 100% return per year 'automatically' - this is a fallacy - you have modified settings, changed risk and stopped and started pairs at your own discretion - a fact that is supported by many others on this forum and again, your own internal forum

3) Trying to insinuate that your results '...may not sound like much to someone trading on a 3k account but how many people can do that in an account with over 7 figures. Not many.' is absolutely f@#$ing laughable. I trade mechanical systems and generate a 20% return month in, month out. You should maybe not treat your clients as worthless idiots that you can rape cash out of, period

4) Thanks for confirming my accusation 'don't try and tell me you trade' with your response 'I am no longer a full time trader, that is correct' - anyone who has ever watched any of your webinars can make their own minds up on that one

5) Thanks for confirming my accusation ' are a marketer, pure and simple.' with your response 'I am also a marketer. A pretty darn good one at that.' Enough said

5) Ill tempered statements or cursing...what's the matter pal, truth hurt? Don't worry about how the content is delivered, worry about the content (oh, and maybe your customers for once in your life)

6) And lastly the fact that you 'have learned over the years that in order to control success you must first learn to control yourself and of course when you sling dirt you lose ground.' is another fallacy - not one of your customers that will read this will disagree with any of the points I have made - I don't have any ground to lose, I am not the one ripping my customers off with false promises

GlobalProfit, there is a groundswell of traders building that have had their fill of dodgy marketers peddling their wares that they make unsubstantiated claims about - you know, like lifetime support - and charge an absolute fortune for only to rehash/rebadge and peddle again.

I'm here to tell you that very shortly you are not going to be able to hide behind your infusionsoft based CRM's and marketing tactics, because the word is out on the street that what you are doing is in no way in the interest of the humble retail trader, but in the interests of making you rich at any (and everyone that you come into contact with's) expense.

It's not hard at all, especially for someone like me who has 22 years of IT experience and data centres at my beck and call to produce a website with a smidgen of Google Adwords that warns any of your prospective customers about your past history and the way you treat your customers.

I should entitle this piece 'the art of the 60 day moneyback guarantee' and let others know about how this works in your marketing plan - and how you account for the 'refund requesters' in your CRM.

You could simply pick your game up, apologise for the mistakes you have made, offer proper support for your products and keep your existing customers satisfied - but I'd be mightily surprised to see that happen.

And again, karma is a bitch - especially for those that generate such large amounts of negative karma. I said previously that 'I'd personally never be in the business of making money from the misery of others - it's REALLY bad juju, know what I mean?' I live my life by that statement - at the end of the day you can only be judged by how you treat others in life - and you are not doing very well.
Membro Desde Oct 05, 2011   60 posts
Oct 02, 2012 at 12:48
So most of what you wrote is not worth defending as it against my character and integrity and since you dont actually know anything about me it would be a waste of my time to try and defend it. That said lets get discuss what can be changed. Lets focus on the one semi constructive comment you made.

'You could simply pick your game up, apologise for the mistakes you have made, offer proper support for your products and keep your existing customers satisfied - but I'd be mightily surprised to see that happen.'

1 Customer service / Customer satisfaction- Outline the short falls of our current support staff. We currently have 5 full time people that do nothing but answer tickets and live chats across 3 languages. For issues that can not be handled that way we use a software where we can take over the clients computer and help them directly in that manner. We also have phone support if after all that has failed we can fall back on. In addition to that despite this forum not being owned or operated by us we have our support staff also monitoring this forum and answering questions here. Additionally most product we sell have a assisted setup option for those that may more hand holding or just prefer to be able to call someone up. For this we have a team of three that do nothing but feild calls and are trained on the product setup, use, and who are traders as well. If you have personally experienced poor support explain what could have been done differently so that I can then go to my staff and fire/train whoever needs it.

2 Product improvements - All the above is a waste if our products are not any good. You say there is a groundswell of traders that are on to me. Is this just a comment that is based on your dislike of my marketing techniques or is this comment based on the products we sell. We discontinued TomsEA and replaced it with ProfitAgent because the support demands for an EA were staggering and it put to much reliance on others. For example metatrader made an update and the EA stopped working. This was out of our control and it was left to us to fix it quickly. This is just an example/reason why we went to mirror trader only. We changed the name because if we sold something called Toms EA and didnt actually give out an EA we would have had a ton of disgruntled traders. With that said. Is there an issue with the current profitagent which creates the same results that TomsEA can. I guess my first questions should be have you used the product long enough to provide me feedback on it or any of our other products.

3 Product Development - Our current model for product development is as follows. We look for current traders who have found success with a strategy, can back it up with live proof, and will allow us to test it internally for 6 months to confirm forward testing. Its my opinion that this is a better model then developing it internally because the motives would be wrong ie we would be developing a product to market vs the trader who is creating a strategy to be profitable and we are simply creating a product out of it.

So I have outlined our current processes above and welcome input so that I can 'pick up my game'. It would be refreshing to get some constructive feedback from this forum vs the dirt slinging that has previously taken place. The last thing I want to do is 'make money from the misery of others'. That said I would also like to know how I brought you misery so that I can be sure to make the necessary adjustments to not bring misery to people. As sarcastic as that may sound its not meant to be sarcasm.

Membro Desde Nov 09, 2011   59 posts
Oct 02, 2012 at 18:43
Sorry for jumping on this but reading point 2, as you discontinued Toms Ea and went to mirror trader, did you refund anyone who bought TOMS Ea not on Mirror trader. Just an obversation. Almost fell for the trade vantage, but realised how bad the results were.

I luckily got out of Toms ea when it almost wiped out my account. Never again!

Dustin, my advise is find a product which actually works and stick to it instead of jumping from one to next. You are doing your reputation no good at all.

Membro Desde Oct 05, 2011   60 posts
Oct 02, 2012 at 22:28
Chrissav, not sure exactly what you mean regarding comment 2. Anyone that had TomsEA already had the mirror trading option and could see that it was called ProfitAgent in the mirror trader. This was not something that we were hiding. We didn't actually switch from the EA to the mirror trader. I guess the more accurate thing to say is we simply moved to only the MirrorTrader since we initially offered both options. As far as if we processed any refunds on TomsEA the answer would be yes as it had a 60 day refund period however the request rate was quite low. I really do not understand the part about a product that works. TomsEA/ProfitAgent has had its share of draw downs but that is all an open book on this site and as you can see the end result is still very good. Everyone does not experience the same result because its up to the end user to choose the number of pairs, amount to risk etc. however we share what settings we are using and you can also see that right here on this site.

As far as sticking to one product. Its very hard to run a business with just one product. The Forex Niche is very small and some people like automated trading and some people like manual trading with indicators etc. It is my goal (and we are very close) to have four or five main products. The first would be an automated product which is and will remain as profit agent / Toms EA. The second would be a news trading service such as Oracle, we would be limiting this service substantially since it stops working if we bring on to many people. That service will be a combination of OracleTrader and the Straddle Trader Pro. Both very strong performers. The issue's occur when we let to many people use them. The third would be a product like Elemental Trader which is based on harmonic patterns and is a very sound course with notification software to your cell phone etc and finally I am currently working on the strategy I used when managing funds which will be combined with the Bank Flow data that we receive From Jonathan Silver and that will be ready early next year.

These are the products that we have sold for years and will continue to sell. It may seem like we jump from one to the next but this is because its better to have the majority of support issues be on one product so that our team is fresh and on top of it. That is why we close down registration and move to the next product. We do not stop supporting the prior products in fact we tend to open sales back up at least once a year for each of the products. As an example we will be opening up Elemental again in Late October.

Just selling one product would not provide enough revenue to sustain an organisation like mine. It would be like going to a car dealership that only sold Nissan Maxima's for instance. They would not stay in business long even if it is a great car. ( I have no idea how good or bad of a car the Nissan Maxima is just making a point here.)
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