Posts por InvestorFX2

em InvestorFX2 feed Feb 20, 2015 at 13:23
Personally, I do not have that level of faith - that's why I use 0.2 RiskScaling
em InvestorFX2 feed Feb 20, 2015 at 13:22
Just open the EA properties, Inputs, and change "RiskScaling" to 0.2 or whatever you choose. I reckon it is best to try 0.2 or even lower, then just watch performance for the next month or so. Monitor growth and intraday drawdowns, then review and change the RiskScaling to suit your risk tolerance.The people running the system only make their monthly money if they maintain the account, so it is not in their interests to blow it. So keeping riskScaling at 1.0 is good IF you have 100% faith in them and their ability to manage the trades with a high drawdown in the event a sudden currency shift.