Food and non-alcoholic beverages (which account for 19% of the total weight), transportation (14.5%), and housing, water, electricity, and other fuels (13.8%) are the primary components in the consumer price index in Chile. Following by education accounting for 8% of total expenditure, miscellaneous goods and services account for 7.2%, and furniture and household equipment and conservation contribute for 7%. Other industries in the index are: leisure and culture (6.7%), health (6.4%), communications (5%), clothing and footwear (4.5%), restaurants and hotels (4.4%), and alcoholic beverages, narcotics, and tobacco (3.3%). As of 2013, the national index has a 100-point starting point. This index reflects the prices and spending habits that have been observed in the regional capitals and suburban areas of the fifteen regions in the country.

Hodnoty vyšší, než se očekává, by měly být považovány za pozitivní (býčí) pro CLP apod očekávané hodnoty by měly být považovány za negativní (medvědí) pro CLP.

Kategorie:  Inflation Rate
Jednotky:  Procent
Dopad: Nízké
Měna: CLP
Nejnovější vydání
Předchozí: 3.7%
Konsensus: 3.8%
Aktuálně: 4%
Další vydání
Datum: Jun 07, 12:00
Zbývající čas: 29 dny