South Korea Imports YoY
Imports into South Korea fell by 6% in 2019 to USD 503.2 billion, compared to the previous year's all-time high, while domestic output and facility investment shrank. Mineral fuels, mineral oils, and bituminous substances accounted for 25% of total imports, followed by electrical machinery and equipment (18%), nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical (10%), optical, photographic, cinematographic, and measuring (4%), road vehicles (3%), iron and steel (3%), ores, slag, and ash (3%), organic chemicals (3%), plastics and articles thereof (2%), miscellaneous chemicals products (2%), and inorganic chemicals, compounds of precious metals (2%) are South Korea main imports. China was the largest source of imports (21% of total imports), followed by the United States (12%), Japan (9%), Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Australia, and Germany (4% each), Taiwan, Russia, and Qatar (3%), Kuwait, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, and Indonesia (2% each).
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