profil wealthzoom obchodníka wealthzoom



Jméno wealthzoom

Bio : specializes in expert advisors research and development.

Obchodní styl :
Trend-Chasing Scalping, Reversal Scalping. Each EA is designed to achieve its targeted performance based on the trading strategy of the EA. The overall emphasis of all our EAs is to achieve the most optimal, not the highest, risk-return ratios in any market conditions. The end-objective of the integrated EA is consistent monthly performance with minimal drawdowns. Each triggered trade’s profit-target will differ according to strategy and also market conditions at any point in time. Note: The EAs shown in the above live MyFxBook are EAs currently used in each of the Integrated EA Product offered by Wealthzooms Inc, each Integrated EA Product is made-up of several individual EAs operating within it. The actual performance of each Integrated EA Product may vary according to its product design and performance target. The performance of any individual EA as shown here SHOULD NOT be representative of the Integrated EA Product you have subscribed. The actual performance of your subscribed Integrated EA Product will be dependent on the performance as well as the proportion of each EA’s contribution to the overall results of your Integrated EA Product. Wealthzooms reserves the rights to remove any EAs and/or add new EAs from time to time to achieve the objectives of the various Integrated EA Products.

Motto :

Zkušenost 3 - 5 let


Poukázky 0

Zaregistrovaný Aug 30, 2011 at 07:29

Blokovaní uživatelé 0


Systémy od wealthzoom

Jméno Zisk Čerpání Pipy Obchodování Páka Typ
SupermanEA 66.39% 67.93% 548.6 Automaticky 1:400 Reálný
SolidEA20 584.24% 85.17% 2983.0 Smíšené 1:200 Reálný
SolidEA60 22.00% 41.87% -396.0 Automaticky 1:500 Demo