OIL going up

Jan 26 at 05:10
Vistas 340
4 Replies
Miembro desde Sep 27, 2023   posts 9
Jan 26 at 05:10
Oil is starting wve 3 on the daily.

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KISS (Keep it stupid & simple)
Miembro desde Feb 12, 2016   posts 76
Feb 09 at 07:58
Great analysis. I actually also think that oil rally run out of steam and it should go lower, however hard to pick right timing for a trade, that's why I went with small lot size.
Miembro desde Sep 27, 2023   posts 9
Feb 09 at 15:57
Thanks buddy, I just made an update on oil

Archivos adjuntos:

KISS (Keep it stupid & simple)
Miembro desde Feb 02, 2024   posts 23
Feb 12 at 10:25
Good one! May I ask how do you analyze this one?
Miembro desde Sep 27, 2023   posts 9
Feb 13 at 02:54
connorbennett posted:
Good one! May I ask how do you analyze this one?
I made a full breakdown analysis on my free telegram and youtube channel. I cannot post the link here due to myfxbok policy but you can hit me a message
KISS (Keep it stupid & simple)
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