Need Trade Strategy

Sep 30, 2010 at 08:20
Vistas 6,495
66 Replies
Miembro desde Apr 18, 2011   posts 239
Oct 11, 2011 at 18:23
please provide your E-mail adress
Miembro desde Apr 18, 2011   posts 239
Oct 11, 2011 at 18:41
boogie is a night scalper EA , run it on EURUSD H1
cadtrader is martingale EA run it on lowes spread , USDCAD M15
Miembro desde Apr 18, 2011   posts 239
Oct 11, 2011 at 19:08
use wallstreet on eurusd , gbpusd and usdjpy M15 , recommended broker is hotforex currenex account
good luck
Miembro desde Sep 20, 2011   posts 5
Oct 11, 2011 at 21:53
jbofcak (at) gmail (dot) com , thank you a lot
Miembro desde Sep 20, 2011   posts 5
Oct 11, 2011 at 21:53
and super money grid is what strategy ?
Miembro desde Sep 20, 2011   posts 5
Oct 11, 2011 at 21:54
please send me also wallstreetforexrobot.ex4 it is missing in your post,
Thank you a lot for everything, i will start with back test and to study settings.
Miembro desde Sep 20, 2011   posts 5
Oct 11, 2011 at 21:54
Hi again,
sorry that i disturb you more, but for cad_trader i had message that MT4 cannot library Cadtrader_v1.dll ,
thank you in advance for your time
Miembro desde Apr 18, 2011   posts 239
Oct 12, 2011 at 02:30
super money grid is a martingale strategy use it on gbpusd , time frame is not matter , try to modify the setting for best result
Miembro desde Apr 18, 2011   posts 239
Oct 12, 2011 at 02:31
cad trader has a large file cant upload here , try to send it by E-mail
Miembro desde Jan 30, 2017   posts 12
Feb 15, 2017 at 12:35
Make sure you are applying right kind of strategy and are considering all the aspects related to the trend movement of any particular instrument.
Miembro desde Aug 11, 2017   posts 870
Apr 19, 2018 at 07:24
I have seen on order to my trading experience in spite of a profitable trading policy scalping cannot use in a reputed trading broker, so, we the traders who are particularly scalpers have to choose the broker which for all time permits scalping including lowest trading spreads. Practically despite of good trading knowledge that’s not possible at all to make profit with certainly by scalping without lowest trading spreads. so, we scalpers have to be careful when choosing a broker.
Miembro desde Apr 06, 2018   posts 242
Apr 23, 2018 at 06:27
You can divide forex session into two part both sessions price movement is different.

1.Low volatility session-End of American session and Asian Session

Strategy:-During Low volatility Counter-Trend Strategy work best.
Expert Advisor that can be profitable-Night Scalper

2.High volatility session-Europian Session&American Session

Strategy:-During High volatility Trend Following Strategy work best because of the release of major economic data and high impact news.
Expert Advisor that can be profitable-News Trading EA, Breakout EA, Price Action EA
The market will trade through it’s path of least resistance .
Miembro desde Aug 11, 2017   posts 870
May 10, 2018 at 06:46
There are many kinds of trading strategies in this market place nowadays, but from all trading strategies nowadays scalping is mainly considered as a most usable and profitable trading policy that brings profit in a short time. but practically in spite of a profitable trading policy scalping cannot use in a proper way due to many restrictions at any broker in particularly who are regulated.
Miembro desde Feb 12, 2016   posts 507
May 10, 2018 at 13:47
Mohammadi posted:
There are many kinds of trading strategies in this market place nowadays, but from all trading strategies nowadays scalping is mainly considered as a most usable and profitable trading policy that brings profit in a short time. but practically in spite of a profitable trading policy scalping cannot use in a proper way due to many restrictions at any broker in particularly who are regulated.

Many novice traders are trying to scalp the market believing it is easy. In fact it is not difficult if the trader have build and keeps discipline and strictly follows risk an money management plan :)
Miembro desde Feb 22, 2011   posts 4573
May 11, 2018 at 08:49
njorosolo posted:
Hi guys.

I have been trading for about a year now.

I made a loss of quite some cash,and I want to get back to profitability.

I need a serious comeback strategy.

You can view my trade history and current open positions.

Any ideas?


You need to apply tighter stop losses
Miembro desde Aug 11, 2017   posts 870
May 20, 2018 at 10:43
Sometimes I feel any kinds of trading strategies works for certain times , there is nothing permanent in Forex trading , it’s all about temporary.
Miembro desde Jun 19, 2017   posts 23
Jun 06, 2018 at 08:43
Mohammadi posted:
Sometimes I feel any kinds of trading strategies works for certain times , there is nothing permanent in Forex trading , it’s all about temporary.

I agree, I prefer agressive strategy (not suicidal) with many withdraw, if your account crash, start again with your benefits
Miembro desde Aug 11, 2017   posts 870
Jun 14, 2018 at 10:43
You can find a successful trading strategy from various sources , but if you want to get maximal result by your trading strategy first of all you have to make sure real money managing plan , otherwise that’s not possible at all to make profit with consistency despite of having most successful trading strategy.
Miembro desde Jun 14, 2018   posts 10
Jun 14, 2018 at 13:21
What are these "various sources"? I have tried to find a good strategy for years and never found one that works consistently
Miembro desde Apr 09, 2018   posts 37
Jun 15, 2018 at 07:02
StanfordB posted:
What are these "various sources"? I have tried to find a good strategy for years and never found one that works consistently

What you are looking for is a statistical edge. If you are looking for a sort of red light, green light system then yes, it may work but only for a period. Financial markets will catch up to these types of edges and over time they will deteriorate. There are MIT guys on the problem, they have algos running to find little edges like this.

If you think that running some sort of MA crossover system or RSI, Stochastic, etc or a combination of these will work - it won't. Markets can be traded profitably but you must understand the nature of markets, the auction process, market structure and price action. These principles can be applied to all markets and all time frames. You're not going to be able to Google some sort of system and then use it like an ATM machine. I mean, realistically, what are the chances that some person is going to put something out in public like that? If you had a profitable system, would you just share it with the world? If you did, your statistical edge would disappear.

What you are looking for will take years and years of study. You will need to build skills and experience. Maybe it will take you 10 years, 15 years and maybe you will never reach your goal. That's the reality of trading. Not everyone can be an astronaut or a professional sports player or a concert pianist. It's just the way things are. The longer you look for the holy grail of a system the longer you delay your development as a trader.
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