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What is your trading schedule?
Nov 09, 2021 at 15:10
Miembro desde Aug 20, 2019
posts 21
Every trader determines his/her schedule by himself/herself, according to their daily schedule. I personally try to trade every day. I'm fond of scalping and always try to make up to 15 trades per day. I try not to make as much trades as I can, but I reach for the result. If I reach the result on my day for 5 trades, I usually stop. However, sometimes I want to continue, despite the fact that I wisely understand that I'd better stop. Always try to control your emotions in such cases. Emotions sometimes can betray you a lot and you will be able to lose everything you earned.
Miembro desde Jul 23, 2020
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Jan 20, 2022 at 20:10
Miembro desde Jan 26, 2020
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Everything depends on the day actually. Three days a week I start trading with Asian session, while other days I start whenever I want it. Actually, it's considered to be a cool schedule, because I am literally not attached to particular schedule. I'm an independent trader. I guess here everybody decides on his own, what schedule to build, according to your personal needs. No doubts, that all of us have other businesses during a day, so try to build a schedule, taking into consideration other activities.
Moreover, you have to understand that only well-built system will work on you. In this case you can count on success.
Moreover, you have to understand that only well-built system will work on you. In this case you can count on success.
Nov 30, 2022 at 16:40
Miembro desde Nov 29, 2022
posts 7
Baccasa34 posted:
Majority of the traders are kicked out of the market just because they prefer taking higher risk in trading.
Exactly, It's odd how people are willing to put a lot on the line in trading... If you're going to trade in high amounts at least know what your doing, and what strategies you are implementing.
We are always WINNING!
Miembro desde Aug 05, 2021
posts 394

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