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How fx manager get investors?

Membre depuis Jul 08, 2019
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Membre depuis Mar 31, 2018
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Jun 01, 2020 at 15:50
Membre depuis Mar 31, 2018
posts 28
If you can demonstrate consistency, for 2+ years, low risk. People will take notice, i started with 2 followers i have over 150 via pamm account. Don't focus on the money, be consistent, be profitable, avoid big losses, and keep learning and developing. Also there's platforms live ZuluTrader/Darwinex etc.. if you can demonstrate these kills you will get funding!!!! :)
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2011
posts 4573
Jun 02, 2020 at 07:31
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2011
posts 4573
Wallace posted:
Dear fellow fx citizen,
I would like to start a new topic for fx managers to share their experiences in getting potential investors. Posting verified live result in myfxbook.com is certainly one of the good ways in attracting potential investors. Besides this, what fx managers will do to solicit new clients?
First of all you have to share your verified real acciunt trading your great trading system.
But you have failed at this very first step - This user doesn't share any systems currently.
Jun 03, 2020 at 03:04
Membre depuis May 13, 2020
posts 10
Adokelv posted:
To me, the most important thing in this business is to be honest. Always tell investors how your business is going in the market. Yeah, you might lose them. But you won't be rumored to be a lying trader who doesn't know how to deal well with investors. Reputation is always more expensive than money. You may still have a profit, but investors may never look in your direction again. So always set your priorities very carefully.
I tottaly agree with you
Membre depuis Sep 16, 2020
posts 1
Membre depuis Jun 22, 2020
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Membre depuis Nov 16, 2020
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Membre depuis Nov 17, 2020
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