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- Acquiring knowledge is basic
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Acquiring knowledge is basic
Nov 23, 2020 at 14:33
Membre depuis Jul 19, 2020
posts 749
Acquiring knowledge is basic for being a successful a trader. You need to study and research a tremendous mark in case you want be a gainful trader. You need to learn specific edge and mental perspective of trading. You have to comprehend how to control your feelings. By then start with demo record to understand how as far as possible.
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Nov 25, 2020 at 07:18
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LyudmilLukanov posted:
I also agree. Knowledge is the main power source of trading. Many new traders jump into the market without knowing the basic and end up losing money.
True. Without knowledge it would be like trading with closed eyes so can't take it lightly at all.
Dec 08, 2020 at 07:19
Membre depuis Apr 15, 2020
posts 187
Yes, I totally agree with this. In order to trade for the long term and earn profit, acquiring knowledge is important in forex . You need to research a lot and find out which strategy is suitable for you. Don’t start trading without basic knowledge otherwise you will end with losing money.
The more your practice, the more you learn.
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