Can we have impulsive move after impulsive ?

Jan 11 at 19:40
Vues 35
1 Replies
Membre depuis Jan 11, 2025   posts 1
Jan 11 at 19:40
Hello , I'm a beginner and getting little bit confused on this chart I'm trying to analyze.
My question is can we have two impulsive moves one after the other? Based on my understanding on this chart we have at least two impulsive moves.
And any advice on how to practice & understand better would be great, thanks.

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Membre depuis Dec 09, 2024   posts 119
Jan 13 at 09:57
elon123 posted:
Hello , I'm a beginner and getting little bit confused on this chart I'm trying to analyze.
My question is can we have two impulsive moves one after the other? Based on my understanding on this chart we have at least two impulsive moves.
And any advice on how to practice & understand better would be great, thanks.

Yeah, you can see different impulsive chart sometimes one after another. Try analyzing it daily and can practise patters it is helpful. How long have you been trading?
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