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- Demo can not make you well experienced
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Demo can not make you well experienced
Sep 29, 2020 at 14:34
Membre depuis Jul 19, 2020
posts 749
Demo can not make you well experienced. No matter how much profit you make with demo. The real test begins when you start to trade with real money. When you trade with real money you get emotionally attached to it. When we are attached to anything, we tend to make mistakes. Demo can only help you to know the trading platform and test your strategy.
Membre depuis Jul 19, 2020
posts 283
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2020
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Sep 29, 2020 at 20:05
Membre depuis May 21, 2020
posts 5
100% at last someone who gets it ..plus you have to trade a demo account with the same amount you are going to put in your LIVE account otherwise whats the point you leanr nothing ..anyone can win big with 50,000 demo on some lucky low pip high lots trades but that dont make you a successful trader....get $500 demo and double it 3 or 4 times ! THEN you are ready for going on live ! thats my thoughts and how i did it anyway
Live and Die by the Sword !
Sep 30, 2020 at 00:42
Membre depuis Jul 19, 2020
posts 742
Emotions don't usually work in demo trading. There is no interest in trading when doing demo trading. Due to which it is often seen that even after making a lot of profit in demo trading, it is unable to make a profit in real trading. So if a trader invests a little money in real trading without demo trading, it will be much better than demo trading.
Sep 30, 2020 at 06:11
Membre depuis Jul 19, 2020
posts 310
Yes exactly. The purpose of demo is to understand the system. And there is no point of taking 10,0000 balance to trade on demo. You are going to learn nothing except how to open a trade and close it. We should use demo account effectively.
Membre depuis Jan 11, 2019
posts 140
Membre depuis Sep 07, 2020
posts 70
Sep 30, 2020 at 08:12
Membre depuis Sep 07, 2020
posts 70
You need to understand that the purpose of demo is nothing but offering you insight of how your live account trading will work. But you are missing out on fear of losing of money because you are basically losing nothing in demo, while actually losing in live account.
Membre depuis Aug 17, 2020
posts 121
Oct 01, 2020 at 09:48
Membre depuis Feb 07, 2020
posts 40
I disagree with that I know that demo does not include real money so there is less risk involved but that does not mean trading on demo does not give you experience. It gives you the experience of trading in real look-alike conditions. The demo gives you the idea that how the market operates, how can we strategize and how can we become effective and efficient to face the live conditions of the market.
Membre depuis Mar 16, 2020
posts 54
Oct 04, 2020 at 15:55
Membre depuis Jun 29, 2020
posts 13
Yes, you're right. On the one hand, real trading and demo-trading are two different things. Real trading involves a lot of emotions, while demo trading is more like a game than real business.
Still, demo trading is a very important thing, especially if you have never traded. In general, I can compare trading with checkers. You don't have much time to think, so you have to make quick decisions. This can only be achieved with practice, when you study trading patterns and learn to react instantly.
A demo account allows you to learn how to trade and recognize trading patterns, so I think it's very important.
Still, demo trading is a very important thing, especially if you have never traded. In general, I can compare trading with checkers. You don't have much time to think, so you have to make quick decisions. This can only be achieved with practice, when you study trading patterns and learn to react instantly.
A demo account allows you to learn how to trade and recognize trading patterns, so I think it's very important.
Membre depuis Sep 12, 2017
posts 232
Oct 12, 2020 at 09:01
Membre depuis Sep 12, 2017
posts 232
UweMoench posted:
Demo can not make you well experienced. No matter how much profit you make with demo. The real test begins when you start to trade with real money. When you trade with real money you get emotionally attached to it. When we are attached to anything, we tend to make mistakes. Demo can only help you to know the trading platform and test your strategy.
I completely agree demo account is only for testing purposes
Membre depuis Jun 15, 2020
posts 46
Membre depuis Jul 19, 2020
posts 283
Membre depuis Jun 22, 2020
posts 38

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