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Managed Accounts
Membre depuis Jun 11, 2012
posts 21
Sep 17, 2012 at 10:52
Membre depuis Jun 11, 2012
posts 21
Good Afternoon All, (AU)
I've been looking into inventing my money into a PAMM account/Managed fund although I'm struggling to find
a reasonable rate of return (monthly) having figures of 30% plus which for me is just to to much risk and
does not seem realistic in my opinion. If someone could point me in the right direction or even recommend a managed
fund you use and what returns you are seeing.
Geoffrey Reynolds.
I've been looking into inventing my money into a PAMM account/Managed fund although I'm struggling to find
a reasonable rate of return (monthly) having figures of 30% plus which for me is just to to much risk and
does not seem realistic in my opinion. If someone could point me in the right direction or even recommend a managed
fund you use and what returns you are seeing.
Geoffrey Reynolds.
Membre depuis Jul 03, 2012
posts 186
Membre depuis Nov 21, 2011
posts 1718
Sep 18, 2012 at 11:36
Membre depuis Nov 21, 2011
posts 1718
The only way to win money into this wild market is to learn to trade!
It takes time... it cost money... but it can be lucrative : )
It takes time... it cost money... but it can be lucrative : )
Membre depuis Jul 03, 2012
posts 186
Sep 23, 2012 at 06:56
Membre depuis Jun 21, 2012
posts 12
If you think a 30% return on Forex is 'unrealistic', I seriously doubt you know anything about Forex.
Ever heard of leverage?
If you are sweating whether or not to invest, then you can't afford to invest. Buy a bank CD or open an IRA and be happy with that.
Ever heard of leverage?
If you are sweating whether or not to invest, then you can't afford to invest. Buy a bank CD or open an IRA and be happy with that.
12264 posted:
Good Afternoon All, (AU)
I've been looking into inventing my money into a PAMM account/Managed fund although I'm struggling to find
a reasonable rate of return (monthly) having figures of 30% plus which for me is just to to much risk and
does not seem realistic in my opinion. If someone could point me in the right direction or even recommend a managed
fund you use and what returns you are seeing.
Geoffrey Reynolds.
It's not the market. It's not the spread. It's not slippage. It's not the broker. It's not the system. It's YOU. Once you stop whining and making excuses, you can start winning.
Membre depuis Jul 03, 2012
posts 186
Membre depuis Jul 03, 2012
posts 186
Membre depuis Feb 11, 2011
posts 1916
Oct 03, 2012 at 11:57
Membre depuis Feb 11, 2011
posts 1916
you need to use a good martingale ,a good scalper or a very good grid martingale but 30% is very risky trading to be used
Membre depuis Jul 03, 2012
posts 186
Oct 08, 2012 at 20:20
Membre depuis Jun 03, 2012
posts 10
Quick100 posted:
you need a small balance, hedge,grid&martiangale AND 2 and/or 3 pairs....
Actually you don't need these to make 30% per month.
Worry is not a sickness but a sign of health. If you are not worried, you are not risking enough.
Oct 24, 2012 at 09:38
Membre depuis May 15, 2012
posts 247
Membre depuis Sep 13, 2012
posts 1
Membre depuis Jul 03, 2012
posts 186
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