Market manipulation?

Sep 02, 2023 at 14:13
Vues 883
17 Replies
Membre depuis Sep 02, 2023   posts 1
Sep 02, 2023 at 14:13 (édité Sep 02, 2023 at 14:14)
I transfer USDT to a broker.
Broker helps with inside trade, tells when to buy and when to sell. or vice versa.

When I want to withdraw the funds, the broker says pay my 5% commission. I tell broker, to deduct from profit and transfer the balance, he refuses.

I request for security, he states all my funds are with MT5? what does he mean?

As per the Broker:
Your funds remain in the MT5 foreign exchange market.
Since you exceeded the appointment time, your total funds are now temporarily withheld by MT5.
You need to provide your ID information and your Binance withdrawal address, and I will help you submit the verification and confirm that you are the one who operates the withdrawal. Before that you need to pay for my services.
Membre depuis Oct 18, 2021   posts 93
Sep 05, 2023 at 10:55
That sounds like nonsense. Yes I know brokers have fees for deposits and withdrawals. But what are the withdrawal fees in MT5? Or did I misunderstand you,dude?
Membre depuis Aug 22, 2023   posts 6
Sep 06, 2023 at 17:47
Is this some kind of joke? It cannot be!
Membre depuis Feb 12, 2016   posts 76
Sep 07, 2023 at 07:20
vamose posted:
I transfer USDT to a broker.
Broker helps with inside trade, tells when to buy and when to sell. or vice versa.

When I want to withdraw the funds, the broker says pay my 5% commission. I tell broker, to deduct from profit and transfer the balance, he refuses.

I request for security, he states all my funds are with MT5? what does he mean?

As per the Broker:
Your funds remain in the MT5 foreign exchange market.
Since you exceeded the appointment time, your total funds are now temporarily withheld by MT5.
You need to provide your ID information and your Binance withdrawal address, and I will help you submit the verification and confirm that you are the one who operates the withdrawal. Before that you need to pay for my services.
This is definitely a scam. That's the problem with all crypto deposits - if you see that the broker accepts only crypto you should stay away since there are no legal means to recover the funds if you sent it to some address.
Membre depuis Sep 02, 2022   posts 61
Sep 28, 2023 at 17:19
If what you say is true, it's terrible. Tell everyone about broker. Let everyone know who not to mess with. Or was your issue resolved in your favor and your money was returned?
Membre depuis Oct 18, 2021   posts 93
Oct 02, 2023 at 11:58
Yeah. But why does he stop answering?? I suppose the conflict is over.
Membre depuis Jan 18, 2021   posts 18
Oct 03, 2023 at 09:09
Did you meet this person on a random whatsapp chat asking you for MT4 or MT5?
Please avoid people who just keep asking 'do you have mt4/mt5?' LOL

1st of all, no forex broker will actually give trading signals (it's against regulations).
2nd, if you opened the trading account yourself with your name and contact info, you can make a withdrawal anytime
Membre depuis Jan 25, 2022   posts 165
Jan 31 at 06:29
This situation seems concerning. It's unusual for a broker to withhold funds and ask for additional payment for services. MT5 usually refers to MetaTrader 5, a trading platform. Exercise caution; ensure the broker's legitimacy and seek advice from financial authorities. Don't proceed without proper verification.
Membre depuis Dec 28, 2023   posts 38
Feb 02 at 15:56
What is the name of the broker? I ask so as not to use them if fate suddenly forces me to change broker.
Membre depuis Feb 02, 2024   posts 23
Feb 07 at 07:06
I'm sorry to hear about your experience. It sounds concerning. Be cautious of brokers demanding commissions without clear explanations. Ensure you understand all terms before proceeding.
Membre depuis Feb 07, 2024   posts 7
Feb 07 at 12:45
What country is the broker registered?
Membre depuis Feb 16, 2024   posts 6
Feb 16 at 17:58
Where is market manipulation? It seems like broker's manipulation...
Membre depuis Mar 29, 2023   posts 8
Feb 16 at 20:45
Some broker try to take extra money from investors.. Its their nature.
No Risk No Gain
Membre depuis May 08, 2023   posts 75
Mar 11 at 22:18
We would appreciate knowing which broker that is, so that we can never try them :D.
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2024   posts 19
Mar 12 at 19:56
A broker charging a high commission, especially without allowing you to deduct it from your profits, is unusual and may indicate unethical behavior. It's essential to carefully review the terms and conditions of your agreement with the broker to understand any fees or charges involved. MT5 refers to MetaTrader 5, a popular trading platform used by many brokers for trading forex, commodities, and other financial instruments. However, the claim that your funds are 'temporarily withheld by MT5' seems suspicious and unclear. It's unlikely that MT5 itself would withhold your funds; instead, it's more likely that your broker has control over your funds.
Membre depuis Jan 15, 2024   posts 33
Mar 13 at 11:47
vamose posted:
I transfer USDT to a broker.
Broker helps with inside trade, tells when to buy and when to sell. or vice versa.

When I want to withdraw the funds, the broker says pay my 5% commission. I tell broker, to deduct from profit and transfer the balance, he refuses.

I request for security, he states all my funds are with MT5? what does he mean?

As per the Broker:
Your funds remain in the MT5 foreign exchange market.
Since you exceeded the appointment time, your total funds are now temporarily withheld by MT5.
You need to provide your ID information and your Binance withdrawal address, and I will help you submit the verification and confirm that you are the one who operates the withdrawal. Before that you need to pay for my services.
Whats the brokers name?
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2024   posts 26
Mar 21 at 22:24
I rely on reputable brokers with transparent pricing and regulation to minimize the risk of encountering manipulation. Additionally, I remain vigilant for suspicious price movements and unusual trading patterns, adjusting my strategies accordingly.
Membre depuis Feb 12, 2016   posts 76
Mar 24 at 18:35
Market manipulation refers to deliberate attempts to interfere with the natural supply and demand dynamics of financial markets for the purpose of influencing prices or misleading market participants. This can include spreading false information, engaging in deceptive trading practices, or coordinating efforts to artificially inflate or deflate prices. Regulators closely monitor markets to detect and prevent manipulation, as it undermines market integrity and fairness.
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