myfxbook publisher EA?

Apr 27 at 10:40
Vues 76
2 Replies
Membre depuis Aug 31, 2021   posts 5
Apr 27 at 10:40
if im using myfxbook publisher EA and change my vps to other vps, and login with same account MT5 do the EA publlisher will continue update the account or will create new portofolio? anyone please explain
Membre depuis Feb 12, 2016   posts 53
Apr 27 at 18:00
When switching to a new VPS and logging in with the same MT5 account, the myfxbook publisher EA should continue updating the existing account's portfolio rather than creating a new one. The myfxbook publisher EA is typically tied to a specific trading account and collects data from that account to update the myfxbook portfolio. As long as you log in with the same MT5 account credentials, the EA should continue to update the existing portfolio with your trading activity. However, it's always a good idea to double-check settings and configurations after migrating to a new VPS to ensure proper functionality.
Membre depuis Aug 31, 2021   posts 5
Apr 28 at 15:49
bardachok posted:
When switching to a new VPS and logging in with the same MT5 account, the myfxbook publisher EA should continue updating the existing account's portfolio rather than creating a new one. The myfxbook publisher EA is typically tied to a specific trading account and collects data from that account to update the myfxbook portfolio. As long as you log in with the same MT5 account credentials, the EA should continue to update the existing portfolio with your trading activity. However, it's always a good idea to double-check settings and configurations after migrating to a new VPS to ensure proper functionality.
is this based on your experience using EA publisher? or just opinion?
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