Some of the traders who fail

Mar 23, 2021 at 13:36
Vues 1,413
24 Replies
Membre depuis Oct 29, 2021   posts 70
Dec 09, 2021 at 05:36
Traders fail because they lack knowledge and skill. Some traders fail because they are too greedy. They simply cannot follow their trading plan.
Membre depuis Nov 23, 2021   posts 34
Dec 10, 2021 at 07:11
@skihav yes I agree that traders make mistakes while trading and I find it completely ok, but not learning from the mistakes. The traders who fail generally do not learn from their mistakes.
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2020   posts 399
Dec 10, 2021 at 08:32
kroxobor posted:
@skihav yes I agree that traders make mistakes while trading and I find it completely ok, but not learning from the mistakes. The traders who fail generally do not learn from their mistakes.

Hit the nail on the head there. You must keep a journal and record your trades to see which mistakes are coming up repeatedly. Once you do you can iron them out. It is so easy to do similar mistakes without realising
Membre depuis May 11, 2020   posts 74
Dec 10, 2021 at 08:33
Unrealistic expectation when it comes to trading is one of the reason, I must say
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