Are there any TradingView Forex brokers with 500X leverage?

Mar 10 at 07:05
Vues 530
17 Replies
Membre depuis Mar 10, 2024   posts 8
Mar 10 at 07:05
Are there any Forex brokers with 500X leverage on TradingView?
Membre depuis May 16, 2018   posts 2
Mar 10 at 07:37
IC markets?
Membre depuis Mar 10, 2024   posts 8
Mar 10 at 08:16
Ohh… ok. Thanks. Will check them out.
Membre depuis Mar 10, 2024   posts 8
Mar 10 at 15:03
I noticed that IC Markets doesn’t take US residents. Do you know of any others?
Membre depuis May 16, 2018   posts 2
Mar 13 at 12:51
One thing to be aware of is which I heard, but haven't confirmed is if you trade via TV and are successful they will consider you a professional trader and charge you a higher subscription rate.
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2024   posts 2
Mar 14 at 05:14
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2024   posts 2
Mar 14 at 05:27
Here's what C Rep answered:

Do you accept US residents? Max leverage for US residents?

Unfortunately, we cannot open accounts for residents/citizens from the USA. This is due to local regulations that apply in the financial industry which prohibits us from offering CFDs to American residents.
Membre depuis Mar 10, 2024   posts 8
Mar 15 at 19:45
Hi guys. Thx for responding. I don’t have a problem with paying the higher subscription fee. As long as I’m doing well, that is. And yes. I’ve been noticing that it’s impossible for US residents to find brokers with high leverage. I guess I will just have to find success without it. Thanks for responding guys. I really appreciate it.
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2024   posts 19
Mar 19 at 00:37
Finding Forex brokers that let you use 500x leverage and also work with TradingView can be tough. This is because rules in many places limit how much leverage you can use to keep investors safe. Using 500x leverage is really risky.
That said, some brokers in areas with looser rules might let you use that much leverage and connect with TradingView. But, you have to be really careful. Make sure to check out these brokers well to make sure they're legit and understand fully how risky using a lot of leverage can be.
Membre depuis Mar 10, 2024   posts 8
Mar 20 at 03:57
Exactly. Thank you for your response. I’ve done more research on this topic and believe this to be very choppy waters to be in.
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2024   posts 19
Mar 20 at 17:27
You are welcome. But if you do research more on this topic, I'd kindly ask you to share it here.
Membre depuis Mar 10, 2024   posts 8
Mar 21 at 06:26
Ohh…not a problem. Will definitely share when I research this topic more. Thanks again.
Membre depuis Jan 25, 2022   posts 165
Mar 21 at 10:44
As of my last update, TradingView does not directly offer trading services or leverage options. It's a charting platform that provides technical analysis tools and a community for traders. However, some brokers integrated with TradingView may offer leverage up to 500x for Forex trading. It's essential to research and verify the leverage options and terms offered by specific brokers before trading. Additionally, remember that trading with high leverage involves significant risks and may not be suitable for all traders.
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2024   posts 26
Mar 21 at 22:20
I've found that integrating TradingView into my trading routine offers valuable insights and analysis tools. However, finding brokers that fully support this platform can be a challenge.
Membre depuis Mar 10, 2024   posts 8
Mar 22 at 08:01
I totally agree. I think I’ll just use it for my analysis then find a broker with good leverage that accepts debit cards and uses MT4 or Tradelocker.
Membre depuis Mar 10, 2024   posts 8
Mar 25 at 01:33 (édité Mar 25 at 01:33)
I’m watching FXALEXG try to turn $100 into $1 million dollars. In his first trade he’s trying to turn $100 into $400. Does anyone know how to go about accomplishing that? Just curious.
Membre depuis Feb 19, 2024   posts 9
Mar 25 at 14:06
The leverage offered will depend on the country you are in and the regulation of the broker.
Membre depuis Dec 21, 2023   posts 1
Jul 15 at 16:05
jcrockoo7 posted:
I’m watching FXALEXG try to turn $100 into $1 million dollars. In his first trade he’s trying to turn $100 into $400. Does anyone know how to go about accomplishing that? Just curious.
hey bro how to track his challenge ?
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