Who knows this broker ??

Mar 05, 2013 at 18:17
Vues 884
8 Replies
Membre depuis Feb 24, 2011   posts 4
Mar 05, 2013 at 18:17
Hello all,

    Im trying to find out if AnkoFx (www.ankofx.com)

- is real ?
- is reliable ?

Has anyone opened an account with them ??

Please report !

Thanks !
Membre depuis Aug 06, 2011   posts 345
Mar 06, 2013 at 06:23
Why don't you do some homework yourself? Check with the quoted regulators to confirm the brokers' status.
Membre depuis Feb 24, 2011   posts 4
Mar 06, 2013 at 09:25
The quoted regulations are valid, but I think they belong to another company, not theirs.
Membre depuis Aug 06, 2011   posts 345
Mar 06, 2013 at 10:19
Located in Dominica, but quoting a UK telephone number. It all gets a bit complicated trying to pin down the legal jurisdiction, and that troubles me.
Membre depuis Feb 24, 2011   posts 4
Mar 06, 2013 at 11:06
This is the company they claim to beling to : https://www.kim.co.kr/kitmceng/about_04_new.jsp

You can see it here : https://www.ankofx.com/Regulation/index.html

But the mother company know nothing about AnkoFx.com, it's not mentioned on their homepage as well. They are just using their name and license number.

Have you ever seen a brokerage that has no 'Terms and Conditions' on its homepage ? https://www.ankofx.com/tradingcontract/index.html

I requested it from them in email as they instruct everyone on this page, but they never fulfilled it.

If you request a demo account, you will see, that the demo account will be opened on their 'ECN' server. It's impossible to have demo accounts and real accounts on the same server. So when you open a real account, that will also demo, and you don't realize it for a while. The minimum deposit is 5K.

Look at the second paragraph of their risk disclosure! https://www.ankofx.com/riskdisclosure/index.html

'Anko FX Capital Markets Ltd shall not be responsible ' - what kind of Anko Fx Capital Markets Ltd ? Their license is for Korea Investment & Securities Europe Ltd. Did they forget their own company name ?

The contact person, an arrogant spanish guy said on Skype : it's a mistake, it's only the web developer company who made the homepage.

Really ? Would you ever found an IT company with the name of '... Capital Markets... ' ? And how would they mix this up ? No way.

When you get an email from this 'brokerage', it end like :

' AnkoFx Team '

No name, no logo, no phone numbers, no risk disclosure. A broker does not send out an email like this.

I think this is a fraud.
Membre depuis Oct 03, 2012   posts 69
Mar 06, 2013 at 11:52
If you have to ask that question, you probably don't want to use them. Seriously.
The market will go up, failing which, it will go down.
Membre depuis Feb 24, 2011   posts 4
Mar 06, 2013 at 12:58
The reason why I originally wanted to use them, is that the best results on FxStat ( https://www.fxstat.com/en/performances/view/SistemTF-14914 ) is made by a Spanish team who are insisting on this brokerage (AnkoFx). Stay away !

They are forging these results on their own 'ECN' (demo) server to serve as a decoy, so that people want to invest to the fake broker.

One more thing: The Spanish team who is publishing these results on FxStat has homepage, that was registered by GoDaddy.com and, how surprising, AnkoFx.com was also registered by them:

Registered through: GoDaddy.com, LLC (https://www.godaddy.com)
Domain Name: ANKOFX.COM

You can be sure, that they are the same criminal organization.
Membre depuis Aug 06, 2011   posts 345
Mar 06, 2013 at 21:01
invisible555 posted:
The reason why I originally wanted to use them, is that the best results on FxStat ( https://www.fxstat.com/en/performances/view/SistemTF-14914 ) is made by a Spanish team who are insisting on this brokerage (AnkoFx). Stay away !

They are forging these results on their own 'ECN' (demo) server to serve as a decoy, so that people want to invest to the fake broker.

One more thing: The Spanish team who is publishing these results on FxStat has homepage, that was registered by GoDaddy.com and, how surprising, AnkoFx.com was also registered by them:

Registered through: GoDaddy.com, LLC (https://www.godaddy.com)
Domain Name: ANKOFX.COM

You can be sure, that they are the same criminal organization.

Nice work! 😎
Membre depuis Feb 28, 2013   posts 4
Mar 19, 2013 at 10:39
invisible555, that's really good job. you really should do the same work with other online brokers, because you know ECN is such a popular service now, so many scam companies try to imitate it. As a result there are may traders who don't believe in real ECN.
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