Best Platform

Sep 21, 2018 at 05:55
Vues 3,896
59 Replies
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2011   posts 4573
Nov 13, 2018 at 11:57
Professional4X posted:
millerwe posted:
i use MT4. never faced any problem and works fine with me.

MT4 is still available through brokers that currently still offer it.

However, it is no longer available as a public download from Metaquotes.

MT4 is being phased out and the main focus for development and distribution is MT5.

I would say majority of brokers still offers mt4 as main platform.
Membre depuis Nov 13, 2018   posts 10
Nov 13, 2018 at 12:13
I just can't see mt4 being phased out. The uptake of mt5 is so small. All the robots and indiators are based on mt4. So few traders have made the transition to mt5 from mt4
Membre depuis Jan 05, 2016   posts 1097
Nov 18, 2018 at 07:47
Gasley posted:
I just can't see mt4 being phased out. The uptake of mt5 is so small. All the robots and indiators are based on mt4. So few traders have made the transition to mt5 from mt4

It doesn't matter if you can see it or not. MT4 IS being discontinued.

Metaquotes has said on numerous occasions that they are discontinuing MT4.

you said -->"All the robots and indiators are based on mt4"

There are thousands of available robots and indicators available for MT5 as well.
MT4 uses MQL4 for the programming language.
MT5 uses MQL5 for the programming language.

MQL5 also supports the use of some (Not all) MQL4 code.

Metaquotes only provides service and security updates to brokers with current MT4 server licenses and support agreements.

They are not issuing any additional future licenses. There is no new work being done on MT4 by Metaquotes.
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Membre depuis Oct 11, 2018   posts 9
Dec 03, 2018 at 12:28
Mohammadi posted:
According to my trading experience I think the best trading platform is a platform which does not restrict at any kinds of trading techniques with scalping and hedging. Basically scalping don’t allow by and large regulated trading broker in their trading platforms.

MT4 is definitely the most popular and the best Forex trading platform. It is software which helps traders to analyze the financial markets & use EAs. Moreover, the mobile trading is also valid.

Trading signals & the vast market are also the important part of MT4 as it enhances the Forex trading experience of every trader.

For me, it includes all the topnotch things required by a Forex trader and it is quite economical. Million of traders have wide range of platforms to choose from. However, MT4 plays an impetus platform because it offers ample of opportunities to trade for every skill set. The flexible trading system & advanced technical analysis & EA strategies help the traders to examine & achieve better results.
Membre depuis Aug 11, 2017   posts 870
Feb 07, 2019 at 07:47
But choosing a broker is very difficult task nowadays; because there are almost thousands online broker in retail market place and most of them are found to be scams. We can choose the broker which for all time makes sure security of funds at any kinds of investments with a wide range of trading technologies. Actually the credible trading broker does not restrict any kinds of trading techniques at all with scalping and hedging.
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2011   posts 4573
Feb 07, 2019 at 12:06
crabby12 posted:
Mohammadi posted:
According to my trading experience I think the best trading platform is a platform which does not restrict at any kinds of trading techniques with scalping and hedging. Basically scalping don’t allow by and large regulated trading broker in their trading platforms.

MT4 is definitely the most popular and the best Forex trading platform. It is software which helps traders to analyze the financial markets & use EAs. Moreover, the mobile trading is also valid.

Trading signals & the vast market are also the important part of MT4 as it enhances the Forex trading experience of every trader.

For me, it includes all the topnotch things required by a Forex trader and it is quite economical. Million of traders have wide range of platforms to choose from. However, MT4 plays an impetus platform because it offers ample of opportunities to trade for every skill set. The flexible trading system & advanced technical analysis & EA strategies help the traders to examine & achieve better results.

Well MT4 is no way the best.
It is however simple and free (for the trader)
There are much better platforms, some of those also free
Membre depuis Feb 11, 2019   posts 27
Mar 10, 2019 at 06:50
togr posted:
crabby12 posted:
Mohammadi posted:
According to my trading experience I think the best trading platform is a platform which does not restrict at any kinds of trading techniques with scalping and hedging. Basically scalping don’t allow by and large regulated trading broker in their trading platforms.

MT4 is definitely the most popular and the best Forex trading platform. It is software which helps traders to analyze the financial markets & use EAs. Moreover, the mobile trading is also valid.

Trading signals & the vast market are also the important part of MT4 as it enhances the Forex trading experience of every trader.

For me, it includes all the topnotch things required by a Forex trader and it is quite economical. Million of traders have wide range of platforms to choose from. However, MT4 plays an impetus platform because it offers ample of opportunities to trade for every skill set. The flexible trading system & advanced technical analysis & EA strategies help the traders to examine & achieve better results.

Well MT4 is no way the best.
It is however simple and free (for the trader)
There are much better platforms, some of those also free

which one would you recommend for a newbie? MT4 or something else? thanks
Membre depuis Feb 08, 2019   posts 200
Mar 11, 2019 at 07:20
MT4 would be best for a newbie IMO
Membre depuis Mar 06, 2019   posts 7
Mar 11, 2019 at 07:37
i vote for MT4 as well, its user friendly. i've using it since day one.
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2011   posts 4573
Mar 12, 2019 at 07:36
tracydavison posted:
togr posted:
crabby12 posted:
Mohammadi posted:
According to my trading experience I think the best trading platform is a platform which does not restrict at any kinds of trading techniques with scalping and hedging. Basically scalping don’t allow by and large regulated trading broker in their trading platforms.

MT4 is definitely the most popular and the best Forex trading platform. It is software which helps traders to analyze the financial markets & use EAs. Moreover, the mobile trading is also valid.

Trading signals & the vast market are also the important part of MT4 as it enhances the Forex trading experience of every trader.

For me, it includes all the topnotch things required by a Forex trader and it is quite economical. Million of traders have wide range of platforms to choose from. However, MT4 plays an impetus platform because it offers ample of opportunities to trade for every skill set. The flexible trading system & advanced technical analysis & EA strategies help the traders to examine & achieve better results.

Well MT4 is no way the best.
It is however simple and free (for the trader)
There are much better platforms, some of those also free

which one would you recommend for a newbie? MT4 or something else? thanks

For newbie MT4 is fine.
Membre depuis Aug 11, 2017   posts 870
Mar 16, 2019 at 09:41
The broker can affects the result of our trading with certainly , that’s why choosing a broker should be in cool mind, please don’t choose a broker in an emotional state, we the traders should choose the broker which is more appropriate to the concept of trading that will be used , the traders who are particularly scalpers have to choose the broker which allows trading concept such as this.
Membre depuis Feb 08, 2019   posts 200
Mar 25, 2019 at 07:00
Mohammadi posted:
The broker can affects the result of our trading with certainly , that’s why choosing a broker should be in cool mind, please don’t choose a broker in an emotional state, we the traders should choose the broker which is more appropriate to the concept of trading that will be used , the traders who are particularly scalpers have to choose the broker which allows trading concept such as this.

Yes, this is a very important decision to make that many newbies don't understand
Membre depuis Jul 12, 2018   posts 23
Apr 01, 2019 at 06:44
tracydavison posted:
togr posted:
crabby12 posted:
Mohammadi posted:
According to my trading experience I think the best trading platform is a platform which does not restrict at any kinds of trading techniques with scalping and hedging. Basically scalping don’t allow by and large regulated trading broker in their trading platforms.

MT4 is definitely the most popular and the best Forex trading platform. It is software which helps traders to analyze the financial markets & use EAs. Moreover, the mobile trading is also valid.

Trading signals & the vast market are also the important part of MT4 as it enhances the Forex trading experience of every trader.

For me, it includes all the topnotch things required by a Forex trader and it is quite economical. Million of traders have wide range of platforms to choose from. However, MT4 plays an impetus platform because it offers ample of opportunities to trade for every skill set. The flexible trading system & advanced technical analysis & EA strategies help the traders to examine & achieve better results.

Well MT4 is no way the best.
It is however simple and free (for the trader)
There are much better platforms, some of those also free

which one would you recommend for a newbie? MT4 or something else? thanks

I think whatever you learn in MT4 will still be applicable to the MT5 platform. MT4 is backed by a lot of brokers and is generally more user friendly so great to start off with.

But of course if you get familiar with both of their features and you then find MT5 would meet your demands better, then go for it.
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2011   posts 4573
Apr 01, 2019 at 08:00
FMovingAverage posted:
tracydavison posted:
togr posted:
crabby12 posted:
Mohammadi posted:
According to my trading experience I think the best trading platform is a platform which does not restrict at any kinds of trading techniques with scalping and hedging. Basically scalping don’t allow by and large regulated trading broker in their trading platforms.

MT4 is definitely the most popular and the best Forex trading platform. It is software which helps traders to analyze the financial markets & use EAs. Moreover, the mobile trading is also valid.

Trading signals & the vast market are also the important part of MT4 as it enhances the Forex trading experience of every trader.

For me, it includes all the topnotch things required by a Forex trader and it is quite economical. Million of traders have wide range of platforms to choose from. However, MT4 plays an impetus platform because it offers ample of opportunities to trade for every skill set. The flexible trading system & advanced technical analysis & EA strategies help the traders to examine & achieve better results.

Well MT4 is no way the best.
It is however simple and free (for the trader)
There are much better platforms, some of those also free

which one would you recommend for a newbie? MT4 or something else? thanks

I think whatever you learn in MT4 will still be applicable to the MT5 platform. MT4 is backed by a lot of brokers and is generally more user friendly so great to start off with.

But of course if you get familiar with both of their features and you then find MT5 would meet your demands better, then go for it.

MT5 is much better for backtesting compared to MT4
Both platforms are simple and free and easy to learn.
They have its limitations but that is not important for a beginner.
Membre depuis Aug 11, 2017   posts 870
Apr 07, 2019 at 09:47
In Fx trading, Choosing a right broker is very difficult task, because there are almost thousands broker in online retail Fx market and most of them are found to be scams. Regulated trading broker can be a great choice which for all time makes sure security of funds at any deposits with a wide range of trading technologies.
Membre depuis Aug 05, 2019   posts 49
Aug 07, 2019 at 07:47
A trading platform is a software that facilitates traders and investors to place trades and monitor their accounts through financial intermediaries. Trading platforms has various features, for example news tools, real time quotes, charting tools, and even premium research. Platforms are also specifically made for specific markets such as stocks, options, currencies or future markets etc.
MT5 trading platform is the one which i am using recently and it has a new feature of partial multiple-screen support and a built in economic calendar.
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2011   posts 4573
Aug 07, 2019 at 10:48
jaredtaylor posted:
A trading platform is a software that facilitates traders and investors to place trades and monitor their accounts through financial intermediaries. Trading platforms has various features, for example news tools, real time quotes, charting tools, and even premium research. Platforms are also specifically made for specific markets such as stocks, options, currencies or future markets etc.
MT5 trading platform is the one which i am using recently and it has a new feature of partial multiple-screen support and a built in economic calendar.

Trading platfrom is whatever client used to trading. It can even be your web browser like Chrome. Such client always send data to server/market.
It does not need any calendar or news or whatever additional platform.
For me keeping it as simple and as fast as possible is a goal.
Membre depuis Aug 11, 2017   posts 870
Sep 04, 2019 at 10:12
The broker can affects the result of our trading with certainly, so choosing a broker should be in cool mind , please don’t choose a broker in an emotional state, it would be great if we choose the broker which is more appropriate to the concept of trading that will be used , the traders who are particularly scalpers have to choose the broker which allows trading concept such as this.
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2020   posts 278
Dec 08, 2020 at 19:48
A broker is the most important thing in forex trading. Choose a regulated broker to make money consistently from the forex market.
Membre depuis Nov 16, 2020   posts 52
Dec 09, 2020 at 08:25
A broker is a fairly weighty argument in trading, which is why you need to approach his choice very competently, and I can say Amarkets offers good conditions for withdrawing funds with a set of tools and technical support.
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