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Can you become millionaire through expert advisors?
Membre depuis Mar 13, 2020
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Mar 16, 2020 at 14:00
Membre depuis Mar 13, 2020
posts 3
Anayallador posted:
You just have to really look at things, if you have large capital - then why not, out of 500 thousand dollars to make a million is not so difficult. Out of a thousand dollars, it's debt and hard work. So yes, it's possible...
I agree with you that start-up capital is very important.But I haven't really met working robots yet. All I saw were beautiful programs designed to make you lose your money with a 100% probability .
Apr 13, 2020 at 19:22
Membre depuis May 14, 2019
posts 27
No, you shouldn't rely on any strategy out there for all your needs entirely and absolutely anyway so let's move on a bit with all that clearly. I would only do some small trade then make some long trades like all experts advise to do there.
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