Day Trading for living..?

Aug 14, 2012 at 14:07
Vues 4,880
53 Replies
Membre depuis Jul 17, 2013   posts 33
Aug 12, 2013 at 19:29
We day trade for a living, monday to friday, you can join us
Stabilility is our Ability
Membre depuis Apr 27, 2010   posts 47
Aug 13, 2013 at 12:28

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Membre depuis Aug 21, 2013   posts 12
Aug 21, 2013 at 10:07
Even though I work full-time, I still make more money on forex, than in the office. So it is possible, but risky though
Membre depuis Jul 26, 2013   posts 8
Aug 28, 2013 at 11:35
In my day job I'm a content writer, so I figure if I can shift my writing to Forex as well as keep trading, I could work in forex full time without the relative risk of giving up my day job. Would that count as trading for a living?

shuaisu posted:
always have a full time job. sitting in front of a computer all day can kill you.
What if your job requires you to sit in front of a computer all day? Maybe I should take some time to make out my will...
Membre depuis Sep 04, 2013   posts 15
Sep 04, 2013 at 10:56

I've been thinking about living from trading but it didn't work out at that time. Maybe now I got better, but still don't feel confidant about this idea.
Membre depuis Sep 04, 2013   posts 26
Sep 04, 2013 at 13:01
I think you ca only do so if you have an EA that works well without supervision. Don't think that one exists so far. There is no absolute algoritm for making money.Or even if there is one, nobody will share it
Membre depuis Apr 26, 2015   posts 17
Dec 14, 2021 at 10:25
Over six years profitable. Not going to quit my job as the compounding is amazing.
Membre depuis Mar 17, 2021   posts 536
Dec 15, 2021 at 20:24
Leroy42 posted:
I think you ca only do so if you have an EA that works well without supervision. Don't think that one exists so far. There is no absolute algoritm for making money.Or even if there is one, nobody will share it
I agree with you.
Membre depuis Nov 23, 2021   posts 34
Dec 16, 2021 at 13:07
I work full time during the day and trade forex during the night. It’s risky and we cannot deny it. This is why I have been very cautious about the steps I take and risk only that much money that I can afford to lose.
Membre depuis Aug 05, 2021   posts 401
Dec 21, 2021 at 16:58
I think it's possible to trade for a living but would take a lot of time. Also, being that a paycheck isn't guaranteed, you would need some savings to fall back on in case you had a rough couple of weeks. It would also take a sizable investment to make enough to live on, although everyone's lifestyle is different so some would need to make more money than others to make a sustainable wage.
Membre depuis Jul 23, 2020   posts 869
Dec 28, 2021 at 16:04
Success is based solely on experience. Trading is extremely difficult from a psychological/emotional point of view.
Membre depuis Jul 23, 2020   posts 759
Dec 31, 2021 at 17:42
Making a living from day trading is a perfectly feasible career, but it's not easier or less work than a normal daytime job.
Membre depuis Nov 01, 2020   posts 10
Feb 03, 2022 at 15:06
I hope someday I will be able to quit my full-time job and rely on day trading only. However, much still needs to be learned and practiced until it becomes reality. I’m still trading on a demo account and feel it needs to be prolonged because there are many nuances for me that are still unclear.
Membre depuis Mar 28, 2021   posts 617
Jan 04, 2023 at 12:00
Majority of the traders ignorant of how to generate signals through market analysis. Don’t take an entry until you are not sure of a signal.
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