Mar 13, 2015 at 11:45
Vues 784
8 Replies
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2014   posts 14
Mar 13, 2015 at 11:45 (édité Mar 12, 2015 at 15:34)
Good afternoon at all.

I state that I trade manually and secondly I use on another account an EA. This EA is FOREX DIAMOND.
Furthermore I more or less skilled to write code or EA.
This EA if correctly used works results are the same here...

With these premises I move to my questions.
Lookin at website I found some reviews about EAs, the one about Forex Diamond is true.

What has upset me is not so much the gain but the trades metodology of these EA (all work on REAL SERVER):
REV trader PRO
Keltner PRO
Broker Arbitrage
Vortex Trader PRO

In all the accounts the initial deposit is more or less 5000 (dollar, euro...boh) the initial trades are over 1 lot (minimum).
Many of these EA are really expensive, more than 500 € each....

It seems that they really forecast the future.

I really don't understand the trade metodology used by them
I don't know if these are real account or not but how they work ? do you have an idea ?

At most at all, on an account of 5000 € or dollar it is fucking creazy open trades of 1-2-3- lots. Jesus.

Are possibile these things ?
Because looking at their results the answer is YES, it is
Membre depuis Jun 28, 2011   posts 444
Mar 14, 2015 at 03:59
When they don't share their history, or even the current trade, they have something to hide. This is called a black box. Do you need warned about black boxes? I'm sure you have heard about these before. Let me give the same advice once evangelized by none other than the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Edward Buffett. Never invest in something that you don't understand. All that glitters is not gold. The return sheets may look good but if they don't tell you how the robots work, look for the next opportunity and there is always another opportunity.

If you look at my trade curves, it seems obvious that those systems work, however, because I know how they work - I should use them, not you. At least until you learn and understand how they work for yourself.

where research touches lives.
Membre depuis Aug 06, 2011   posts 326
Mar 14, 2015 at 08:29
ForexAssistant posted:
If you look at my trade curves, it seems obvious that those systems work, however, because I know how they work - I should use them, not you. At least until you learn and understand how they work for yourself.


You definitely hit the nail on the head, Bob! An EA for money management, yes, but you gotta pick the trades yourself!
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2014   posts 14
Mar 16, 2015 at 11:13
Yes, I know the black box in fact I'm agree that you must know something works in order to use it.
I even say this. in the past I evaluated several EA, in order to learn their trading style and even for the simple curioisty. The problem of these system is that the instructions are garbade...what really matters is not the definition of each variable but how each variable depens on each others...basically they are black box.

Let me ask you something Bob.
What curves that I saw in your link are yours ?
Membre depuis Jun 28, 2011   posts 444
Mar 16, 2015 at 12:29
lucas87 posted:
Let me ask you something Bob.
What curves that I saw in your link are yours ?

Click on the name or picture icon of the person that you wish to see and the system shows the allowed trading accounts. I have two and of course they are both mine. They are both different strategies, only the P.I.G. will work in the US.
I hope I answered your question but if not, ask it again and I'll re-try.
where research touches lives.
Membre depuis Oct 10, 2014   posts 14
Mar 16, 2015 at 14:43
I have seen them now.
Thank you
Membre depuis Jan 22, 2015   posts 57
Mar 16, 2015 at 20:38
lucas87 posted:
I have seen them now.
Thank you

Membre depuis Oct 10, 2014   posts 14
Mar 18, 2015 at 09:29
You are a good coder, your systems have a little drawdown. Why do you not increase each position ?
Membre depuis Jan 22, 2015   posts 57
Mar 18, 2015 at 21:02
Be a good idea for you to partner with a trading whizbang sort of person. Your coding skills and their knowledge.... might turn into something.
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