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Luck or Hard Work?
Membre depuis Aug 17, 2020
posts 123
Membre depuis Aug 23, 2020
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Oct 05, 2020 at 06:52
Membre depuis Aug 23, 2020
posts 142
Malajind posted:Say it louder so they can here. I find it insulting to my decades plus of success to say its luck, it all hard work because sometimes I nearly sleep just to make a good analyses of my next trades, this is how I achieve my success on profitings.
But it really is, only hard work and maximum effort can lead to success.
Membre depuis Mar 16, 2020
posts 54
Membre depuis Aug 17, 2020
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Membre depuis Sep 12, 2015
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Feb 19, 2021 at 17:39
Membre depuis Sep 12, 2015
posts 1948
It sure does help putting in the hard work ,pays off in the long run ,learn the habits of one pair and you will make progress quickly,luck does have a part to play ,major event working in your favour to spot oppertunity.
"They mistook leverage with genius".
Membre depuis Jan 22, 2021
posts 125
Membre depuis Dec 21, 2020
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