Need help for be a good trader

Mar 05, 2018 at 07:20
Vues 5,662
101 Replies
Membre depuis Feb 07, 2019   posts 34
Mar 11, 2019 at 07:24
tracydavison posted:
natalieFx posted:
hi everyone, i am a natalie, i am a teacher, i am interested in forex trade but i have no experience in trading, i heard that myfxbook is a good community and i should get here good suggestion or advice .

if i say 100% truly i have just idea about forex but not in trading so i want to be a trader,,,

Now your turn, for give me suggestion or resource,,, advanced thanks. 😐

have you looked at babypips? im finding it a really good free resource to learn :) good luck

I second that advice.
Membre depuis Feb 11, 2019   posts 34
Mar 24, 2019 at 07:22
natalieFx posted:
hi everyone, i am a natalie, i am a teacher, i am interested in forex trade but i have no experience in trading, i heard that myfxbook is a good community and i should get here good suggestion or advice .

if i say 100% truly i have just idea about forex but not in trading so i want to be a trader,,,

Now your turn, for give me suggestion or resource,,, advanced thanks. 😐

hi and welcome :) I can also suggest babypips. its a pretty good resource, good luck
Membre depuis Nov 11, 2018   posts 9
Mar 28, 2019 at 07:40
Hi Natelie, Welcome to forex world.
I was a IT manager but now I am a full time forex trader. I been trading for 12 years now. Maybe I am abit slow, I took me 8 years to be able to consistent profit from forex trading. So, ya. it is about never give up and keep learning.

Once you had understand the basic, i suggest you read about elliott wave.
Membre depuis Feb 15, 2019   posts 11
Mar 28, 2019 at 15:35
Do you use Elliot on daily time frame only? I have tried Elliot before on hourly but could not get consistent results. Maybe they only work on longer time frame
Membre depuis Feb 21, 2019   posts 11
Mar 29, 2019 at 07:04
I also tried elliot wave but putting it into practice is very difficult. So many false signals. I am not sure it is even worth it. Better off focus on another strategy that is easier to judge
Membre depuis Nov 11, 2018   posts 9
Mar 29, 2019 at 07:15
Elliot wave work on all time frame, normally i start count the wave in bigger time frame (monthly) then slowly drill down into smaller time frame. example if you see correction wave of 2/4(correction) in monthly chart, then if you look at weekly/daily chart, you should be able to count the wave A-B-C. They works like magic.
Membre depuis Nov 11, 2018   posts 9
Mar 31, 2019 at 06:51
4MoreYears posted:
I also tried elliot wave but putting it into practice is very difficult. So many false signals. I am not sure it is even worth it. Better off focus on another strategy that is easier to judge
Oh i see
Membre depuis Feb 10, 2019   posts 54
Apr 01, 2019 at 06:01
tracydavison posted:
natalieFx posted:
hi everyone, i am a natalie, i am a teacher, i am interested in forex trade but i have no experience in trading, i heard that myfxbook is a good community and i should get here good suggestion or advice .

if i say 100% truly i have just idea about forex but not in trading so i want to be a trader,,,

Now your turn, for give me suggestion or resource,,, advanced thanks. 😐

hi and welcome :) I can also suggest babypips. its a pretty good resource, good luck

Agreed, Babypips is very helpful
Membre depuis Aug 09, 2017   posts 785
May 08, 2019 at 09:44
As per me demo account is like trainer or teacher we help in understanding hoe trading is done , helps to learn building strategy , practicing lot and all this without having loss of single penny.
Membre depuis May 14, 2019   posts 1
May 14, 2019 at 11:58
To be successful in anything, experience matters the most! Agree or not? If you want to become good in the Forex trading then you first have to find out a trusted broker that can help you as a mentor with every trade! You should checkout VolumeFX, these guys helped me a lot when I was new in the trading world! Know more about them here at!
Membre depuis Oct 20, 2018   posts 300
May 19, 2019 at 10:00
Welcome, Natalie. Read all you can read here. Ask questions and you`ll be answered. Then test yourself in demo trading. And remember to do not risk what you cant afford to lose.
Membre depuis Apr 23, 2019   posts 32
May 23, 2019 at 04:51
Here are Benzinga's top six free ways to become a better trader:
Visit Your Local library. The best free resource for developing your trading skills is your local library. ...
Attend Webinars. ...
Enroll in Open Source Finance Courses. ...
Learn Everything about the Stocks You Follow. ...
Paper Trade. ...
Manage Your Emotions.
Membre depuis Jun 29, 2019   posts 65
Aug 03, 2019 at 17:45
With due respect of this world market, you are trying to learn the fundamentals of trading and I am appreciating your desire. It is quite appealing that today's new babies are trying to learn how to deal with various newer things related to trading by means of applying the real thing in their journey of trading. Best of luck, try to complete the education with the help of demo trading account.
Membre depuis Jul 09, 2019   posts 33
Aug 06, 2019 at 07:19
natalieFx posted:
hi everyone, i am a natalie, i am a teacher, i am interested in forex trade but i have no experience in trading, i heard that myfxbook is a good community and i should get here good suggestion or advice .

if i say 100% truly i have just idea about forex but not in trading so i want to be a trader,,,

Now your turn, for give me suggestion or resource,,, advanced thanks. 😐

Hey natalie , its wonderful to see how keen you are in learning trading. You can start with the following :

Read some books on trading such as market wizards and intelligent investor.
Keep yourself updated with the news and markets.
Go through magazines and newspapers regularly related to trading.
Visit websites that provide a full course on learning trading and forex such as babypips and others.
Once you get a hang of it , practice on a DEMO account for as long as you want until you are ready to trade on a real account.

Hope this helps!

Membre depuis Aug 06, 2019   posts 10
Aug 06, 2019 at 10:34
To be good trader take your time to learn before you earn. Rome was not built in a day.
Membre depuis Aug 09, 2017   posts 785
Sep 23, 2019 at 08:35
Actually how much we can earn our trading it depends on the markets movements. It’s not countable at all by our trading accounts. I was profitable when I started my live trading with 1K. but I did huge loss when I increased my balance in 2.5K but there was same strategies with same money management.
Membre depuis May 31, 2019   posts 12
Sep 23, 2019 at 11:33
Imamul posted:
Actually how much we can earn our trading it depends on the markets movements. It’s not countable at all by our trading accounts. I was profitable when I started my live trading with 1K. but I did huge loss when I increased my balance in 2.5K but there was same strategies with same money management.
Agree! profit depends on the market movemnts, if market is highly volatile then chaces of making money becomes higher (but never forget the risk as well which comes with high volatility).
And needless to say poor money management can destroy you.
Membre depuis Jun 17, 2018   posts 1
Sep 23, 2019 at 14:08
If I were you, I would save myself a lot of time and look up 'ICT xmas', and really subscribe to his channel. Everything any 'Guru' is going to teach you is BS. %90 of traders lose money. Coincidentally, %90 learn the same thing. So learn about market makers, learn about order blocks, and market manipulation and how it works. Then youll find yourself not like the rest.(Well, after you get money management down.) Ive been trading for years and im just realizing the true issue. Indicators don't work, its only price action you should care about. If indicators did work, wouldn't everyone be making money? Just look into it.
Membre depuis Aug 05, 2019   posts 50
Oct 05, 2019 at 06:29
Slow start and steady. Also don’t let emotion get in the way of your plan for successful trading.
Membre depuis Dec 09, 2016   posts 49
Oct 19, 2019 at 08:53
I read all these advice in many forum topics addressed to beginners or traders who`s not profitable, and its easy to see that most ppl on this site just simply ignore Fundamental analysis!! I`m really curious why that is?
Do you guys think fundamental analysis is so insignificant that most of the time it`s not even worth mentioning it?
Bcoz how I see it, the price mostly moves based on the fundamentals, so I think it is really something that everyone should get into a little bit at least.

So if you wanna be a good trader, i strongly advise you to get into and start reading about it, and in time you won`t just see the charts and think ''hmm, the price went up, but i have no clue why'', you will actually understand the reasons behind price moves and you`re confidence will grow significantly in your trading.
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