trading basic

Nov 16, 2017 at 15:30
Vues 3,224
69 Replies
Membre depuis Nov 16, 2017   posts 1
Nov 16, 2017 at 15:30
can anyone explain me tech analysis😐
Membre depuis Dec 11, 2015   posts 1487
Nov 19, 2017 at 14:52
I doubt anyone can do so in a single blog post. Massive tomes have been written about without fully exhausting the topic. I recommend to start with the simplest tutorials about newbies, there are plenty of those to be found.
Membre depuis Aug 09, 2017   posts 785
Feb 04, 2018 at 07:13
The beginners should learning it a common thing , your learning process will be valueless until make sure a great place for practicing practically. Demo account can be chosen for that.
Membre depuis Aug 09, 2017   posts 785
Feb 07, 2018 at 11:55
demo is the basic of trading but So many negative reviews in forum communities about demo trading. And it is one of the major reasons why new Forex traders are discouraging from this trading place. Practically you could not earn real money from demo but of course you could earn real trading experience from here. Now it’s your choice.
Membre depuis Dec 19, 2017   posts 10
Feb 07, 2018 at 14:30
Don't forget fundamental analysis. That is key if you are a swing trader
Membre depuis Dec 11, 2015   posts 1487
Feb 07, 2018 at 15:45
Hildur posted:
Don't forget fundamental analysis. That is key if you are a swing trader

It's always good to have some understanding of fundamental analysis, but I doubt a single person can explain either type of analysis in a forum post. The topic is just too broad.
Membre depuis Oct 08, 2016   posts 58
Feb 08, 2018 at 10:21
Only gaining knowledge could not help you to be a knowledgeable trader. besides acquiring knowledge always try to busy in practice account , otherwise you approach can be valueless. Last request don’t trade at random in practice.
To change your trading result, just change your thinking.
Membre depuis Dec 11, 2015   posts 1487
Feb 09, 2018 at 15:06
PriceAction13 posted:
Only gaining knowledge could not help you to be a knowledgeable trader. besides acquiring knowledge always try to busy in practice account , otherwise you approach can be valueless. Last request don’t trade at random in practice.

Practice account? Do you mean a demo account?
Membre depuis Jan 03, 2018   posts 12
Feb 12, 2018 at 13:29
demo can't teach you about emotions though
Membre depuis Dec 18, 2017   posts 1
Feb 14, 2018 at 07:53
My first live trade I almost got heart attack... almost.... 😁
Don't chew when the bus is running!
Membre depuis Feb 15, 2018   posts 14
Feb 15, 2018 at 12:07
My first live trades was exciting but my first live trade that went more than $500 in the read was a knightmare
Membre depuis Jan 31, 2018   posts 16
Feb 18, 2018 at 06:45
'knightmare' sounds scary!! I lost $1000 on one trade before that scarred the sh&t out of me. From that day on I decided to actually learn how to trade
Membre depuis Feb 20, 2018   posts 13
Feb 20, 2018 at 11:55
How did that go? Do you know how trade now for $$
Membre depuis May 10, 2018   posts 22
May 29, 2018 at 06:22
I started trading from the scratch few months back. I choose few major currency pairs and started reading daily news related to the those pairs and their upcoming economic events, it took a lot of time for me to relate the things with the market movements. Along with this i also worked on technical. Then i started trading on demo account, initially i made losses, but now i am in profit and my mostly trades are green. But still there are lots of things i need to learn, that's why i joined this platform.
Membre depuis Aug 11, 2017   posts 886
Jun 02, 2018 at 10:28
Learning is really important for any kinds of traders in particularly for the newcomers. I think from all self learning is the best. As a part of self learning we can take demo account which is the master place to become a knowledgeable trader very rapidly.
Membre depuis Feb 12, 2016   posts 427
Jun 06, 2018 at 14:20
I will be following this tread , I hope someone will post some useful links for Tech analysis, suitable for newbies as well.
Accept the loss as experience
Membre depuis Jun 09, 2018   posts 2
Jun 10, 2018 at 06:40
My advice for every beginner is to first practice with a demo account. Practice as much as possible in order to get used to how the system works. However, you will definitely not get emotionally intense as you would be when practicing with some real money. But practicing with a demo account will sure make you to get the experience of what you will be dealing with when you finally decide to put in some real money. You might find this helpful
Membre depuis Feb 12, 2016   posts 427
Jun 14, 2018 at 11:36
Thanks for sharing the article, Ifeanyichukwu, It 's interesting .. :)
Accept the loss as experience
Membre depuis Jun 14, 2018   posts 10
Jun 14, 2018 at 13:21
After you are happy on demo move to a live account but only use a tiny lot size of 0.01 etc. Just to get started. Demo can lead to over confidence
Membre depuis Aug 11, 2017   posts 886
Jun 26, 2018 at 11:40
We the traders first of all have to take demo trading seriously for acquire most powerful analyzing fundamental trading knowledge which is very supportive to continue a live trading in a proper way. but practically we the traders who are particularly newcomers don’t believe the importance of this trading place at all. as a result almost 90% traders are loser from here due to lack of exact trading knowledge . so, we have to make sure demo trading continually for become a knowledgeable trader very rapidly.
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