Trying to find a good trading room

Oct 09, 2017 at 14:26
Vues 837
16 Replies
Membre depuis Oct 09, 2017   posts 2
Oct 09, 2017 at 14:26
Hi all !!! i am trying to find a good trading room to trade with ... maybe some community !
To be honest , right now i am working for a big broker company , and i have a good account my self.
But i could not find a good community to learn from ... and i am not talking about a forum i mean live sessions or something ...
Any suggestions ?
Membre depuis Aug 31, 2017   posts 10
Oct 09, 2017 at 14:49
Are you looking for a some one so give trade signals or just a community to chat with?
Membre depuis Oct 09, 2017   posts 2
Oct 10, 2017 at 06:31
I need a trading room ... a community that trades together with analytics and other traders and sharing information live
Membre depuis Mar 26, 2018   posts 31
Sep 10, 2018 at 14:30

Hope at myfxbook you found your community
Membre depuis Aug 31, 2018   posts 12
Sep 11, 2018 at 14:57
yeah , this form is a great place to talk and trade.Loads of good threads with info
Membre depuis Sep 06, 2018   posts 10
Sep 11, 2018 at 15:01
There are plenty of other forums out there as well. MyFxBook is probably the best for new traders but elitetrader is a good forum for advanced users
Membre depuis Aug 11, 2017   posts 886
Sep 22, 2019 at 18:54
The broker can affects the result of our trading with certainly , that’s why choosing a broker should be in cool mind, please don’t choose a broker in an emotional state, we the traders should choose the broker which is more appropriate to the concept of trading that will be used , the traders who are particularly scalpers have to choose the broker which allows trading concept such as this.
Membre depuis Aug 09, 2017   posts 785
Oct 07, 2019 at 07:12
if you want to find a right broker, you have to move Forex Pace Army where people share their own trading experience. And EarnForex and Babypips can be a great source to find a right broker nowadays.
Membre depuis Apr 18, 2017   posts 920
Oct 31, 2019 at 06:57
Yes FPA is a good option. On the other hand, broker section of this forum is also useful! So much activity!
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2020   posts 341
Nov 14, 2020 at 12:06
If you want to make a good trading career, you should choose the best broker fo\rom this market.
Membre depuis Jul 19, 2020   posts 788
Nov 16, 2020 at 00:30
A broker can turn a trader into a successful one. However, the service of that broker must be in the right way. Because the broker does not provide the right service, it is not possible to earn a trading profit.
Membre depuis Nov 02, 2020   posts 57
Nov 16, 2020 at 14:16
Your income and success will directly depend on the conditions and opportunities offered by the broker with whom you trade.
Membre depuis Nov 09, 2020   posts 15
Nov 26, 2020 at 05:55
Your broker has the power to make or break your trades. Make the most of the time you have and choose a suitable trader.
Membre depuis Mar 17, 2021   posts 536
Jul 04, 2021 at 09:04
AliaDare posted:
A broker can turn a trader into a successful one. However, the service of that broker must be in the right way. Because the broker does not provide the right service, it is not possible to earn a trading profit.
Yes. A broker is the main key to enter into the room of success.
Membre depuis Jul 19, 2020   posts 788
Jul 04, 2021 at 16:13
SteveHanks posted:
AliaDare posted:
A broker can turn a trader into a successful one. However, the service of that broker must be in the right way. Because the broker does not provide the right service, it is not possible to earn a trading profit.
Yes. A broker is the main key to enter into the room of success.
Yes, the broker plays the original role behind the trader to success.
Membre depuis Jul 23, 2020   posts 869
Jul 10, 2021 at 01:49
I think is a great way to trade.
Membre depuis Nov 23, 2020   posts 46
Jul 10, 2021 at 04:56
I agree that the broker really affects how the trading process will take place, therefore, we choose quite scrupulously
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