myfxbook API says - Too many request, please try again later

Oct 27, 2016 at 07:55
Vues 2,666
3 Replies
Membre depuis Feb 02, 2016   posts 2
Oct 27, 2016 at 07:55
Im developing an EA and have been sending about 20 WebRequest to myfxbook's

I now get the message " Too many request, please try again later".

I cannot find any information about a limit in number of requests.
Does anybody know if there is any limit and what the limit is?

Membre depuis Nov 21, 2011   posts 1601
Oct 28, 2016 at 13:19
Yes, Myfxbook Outlook doesn't change every single seconds.
You must understand what kind of information you wanna grab and what is the value to refresh data evry single ticks???
Once per minute is way enough.
Membre depuis Feb 02, 2016   posts 2
Oct 30, 2016 at 08:00
Thanks for responding.

I know the outlook isn't changing fast and when Im done with the code I will probably not do more then 4 requests an hour.
I will probably limit my request's to the creation of a new M15 bar or higher TF and write to file.

I just started wondering if I would get the errormessage when Im done and I would not get any data, just the errormesage.
They might want to describe this errormessage in the documentation for the API.

Its just a hassle to develop when I only can do 5-6 requests and then Im blocked for an hour.

Membre depuis Oct 25, 2020   posts 4
Jul 25, 2021 at 02:01
I’ve found out that the api is a crap
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