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- Portfolio page to display total balance, profit and performa...
Portfolio page to display total balance, profit and performance résultats de vote
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Discussion Portfolio page to display total balance, profit and performance
Jan 13, 2010 at 14:33
Membre depuis Dec 22, 2009
posts 2
hi can we have the portfolio page show the combined balance (and profit) across all accounts please. Also gain for the entire portfolio, if possible. These facilities combined with the possibility of creating multiple portfolios (demo/real, manual/automatic, for example) would make this a powerful screen. I think there was another enhancement request pending on multiple portfolio capability, wasn't there?
Oh and if we were able to use "custom analysis" i.e. specific date ranges on a portfolio level, that would be just so good...
Oh and if we were able to use "custom analysis" i.e. specific date ranges on a portfolio level, that would be just so good...
Membre depuis Jul 31, 2009
posts 1417
Jan 13, 2010 at 16:24
Membre depuis Jul 31, 2009
posts 1417
Yes, it's possible.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Thanks for the suggestions!
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