Widgets résultats de vote

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Discussion Widgets

Mar 06, 2010 at 14:05
Vues 793
1 Replies
Membre depuis Mar 06, 2010   posts 3
Mar 06, 2010 at 14:05

I think one evolution that would make the custom widgets great would be to have more data to choose from, even if limited to choose only 3 or 4 from a bigger list... some examples of additional data that would be great to have (beside those that are already part of your widgets):

- last week's performance (considers the balance of that previous week's end as the initial balance in the calculation);
- current week's performance (considers the balance of the previous week's end as the initial balance in the calculation);
- last month's performance (considers the balance of that previous month's end as the initial balance in the calculation);
- current month's performance (considers the balance of the previous month's end as the initial balance in the calculation);
- annualized growth perspective (depending if using weekly or monthly bases, it divides the total gain by the elapsed number of weeks or months since the start of the calculation, multiplying it by 52 weeks or 12 months).

Thank you for feedback.
Membre depuis Jul 31, 2009   posts 1444
Mar 06, 2010 at 18:06
Sounds good 😄.

Thanks for the great suggestions!
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