Bingo Trading EA (de bingotradingea)
Gain : | -69.67% |
Drawdown | 99.55% |
Pips: | 10429.7 |
Transactions | 406 |
Gagné: |
Perdu: |
Type: | Réel |
Levier: | 1:1000 |
Trading: | Inconnu |
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Discussion Bingo Trading EA
Membre depuis Nov 18, 2014
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Membre depuis Aug 21, 2017
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Membre depuis Nov 18, 2015
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Membre depuis Nov 18, 2015
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Nov 11, 2017 at 04:17
Membre depuis Sep 21, 2011
posts 12
⚠️ Ive been in forex for a decade and i learned the hard way looks can be deceiving, when i customized analysis for manual trades only it shows 220% gain and 30% DD meaning the actual e.a. Is %30 month amd 20% DD. When i contacted support no reply..hmm
Membre depuis May 17, 2017
posts 14
Membre depuis Aug 13, 2017
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Membre depuis Aug 21, 2017
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Membre depuis Nov 15, 2017
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Membre depuis Dec 07, 2009
posts 134
Dec 03, 2017 at 18:41
Membre depuis Dec 07, 2009
posts 134
Orlov_Oleg posted:It is a cent account so there is no point in withdrawing $10 or some other tiny amount. The owner does not have confidence to make a meaningful investment in his own product. It is a bad idea to believe his lies about the best ea on the market. It simply won't be here in a year from now.
I do not understand, there is profit, but there is no withdrawal, what is the point of dispersing the account without withdrawing money, or is it a fake
Be afraid, very afraid?
Dec 04, 2017 at 07:20
Membre depuis Sep 29, 2016
posts 264
@robotchallenge 'The owner does not have confidence to make a meaningful investment in his own product.' Thats is so true for this and other vendors selling EAs but having only cent accounts
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