FE Power 0.67 48796 (de juham)

Gain : +51.51%
Drawdown 12.70%
Pips: -5502.9
Transactions 849
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:888
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion FE Power 0.67 48796

Sep 21, 2012 at 11:27
Vues 768
2 Replies
Membre depuis May 21, 2011   posts 50
Jan 27, 2013 at 01:29
This account has been running Forex Hacked with Jaymans set 2 with correct base lot size since 18th Jan 2013.

Before that it was running with incorrect base lot size from 6th Nov to 19th Dec 2012 (4 times larger than normal) resulting in my having to intervene towards the end.

Before that it was running Forex Envy 3 - HV Long.
Membre depuis May 21, 2011   posts 50
Feb 25, 2013 at 07:50
Stopped using Forex Hacked on the 21st Feb 2013. I didnt like the look of the large moves developing on GBPUSD. Left a small balance to give manual trading a go when I find time... made 10cents so far ;P
Membre depuis May 21, 2011   posts 50
Jul 26, 2013 at 10:19
24 July 2013. Running Forex Envy Ultra 0.25 risk
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