Holland Trader EA (de kiramatkhan)

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Discussion Holland Trader EA

Jul 20, 2020 at 06:32
Vues 1,954
23 Replies
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018   posts 319
Sep 18, 2020 at 09:42
if you check trade comment, you will see it is not my EA
BUY NOW www.hollandtrader.site
Membre depuis Jan 29, 2019   posts 9
Oct 09, 2020 at 15:12
DD 99%??
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018   posts 319
Oct 09, 2020 at 16:20
Adiez posted:
DD 99%??
this is not my EA, if you check orders comment in statement you will see this is not my ea

Fichiers joints:

BUY NOW www.hollandtrader.site
Membre depuis Jul 01, 2020   posts 20
Oct 16, 2020 at 13:45
I am very sorry, this is not Holland Trader EA. I use Hollanderd Trader EA, it is very fast and unbelievably laval useful & Profitable EA. once again sorry.
Membre depuis Jul 01, 2020   posts 20
Oct 16, 2020 at 13:52
Holland Trader EA Team, is very very Quick & helpfull service. i do Greetings to the owner and team of Holland Trader EA.
Membre depuis Oct 01, 2020   posts 49
Nov 09, 2020 at 12:12
I am glad that it was your demo account. Seeing such a graph on my real account would have given me a heart attack.
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018   posts 319
Nov 11, 2020 at 14:53
kiramatkhan posted:
I am very sorry, this is not Holland Trader EA. I use Hollanderd Trader EA, it is very fast and unbelievably laval useful & Profitable EA. once again sorry.
thank you for fixing
BUY NOW www.hollandtrader.site
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018   posts 319
Nov 11, 2020 at 14:53
kiramatkhan posted:
Holland Trader EA Team, is very very Quick & helpfull service. i do Greetings to the owner and team of Holland Trader EA.
thank you, we try do the best what we can
BUY NOW www.hollandtrader.site
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018   posts 319
Nov 11, 2020 at 14:54
Maxwelljoe posted:
Holland Trader EA has worked quite well for me so far. None of my friends have used it before. I just want to know if there are any other traders who are making good profits with it
of course there is more person. Glad to hear it about you get good profit.
BUY NOW www.hollandtrader.site
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018   posts 319
Nov 11, 2020 at 14:55
Lorencecolling posted:
I am glad that it was your demo account. Seeing such a graph on my real account would have given me a heart attack.
Sorry this is not our expert advisor, check a trades comment.
BUY NOW www.hollandtrader.site
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018   posts 319
Nov 11, 2020 at 14:55
Davidtaylorr posted:
A lot of traders prefer using the Holland Trader EA but this does not seem to look like one. It is usually a fast service so make sure you review it once.
it is not our ea, check kiramatkhan comment.
BUY NOW www.hollandtrader.site
Membre depuis Oct 12, 2020   posts 38
Nov 12, 2020 at 05:51
I’m relieved this is a demo account or it would have been a shocker!
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018   posts 319
Nov 20, 2020 at 22:11
RoballoLima posted:
it is not your ea? 😁
BUY NOW www.hollandtrader.site
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018   posts 319
Nov 22, 2020 at 07:59
This_is_Legit_AF posted:
how can i buy?
good chart
original expert advisor is on our website www.hollandtrader.site
BUY NOW www.hollandtrader.site
Membre depuis Nov 06, 2020   posts 18
Dec 03, 2020 at 05:08
The Holland system is more efficient as far as I can remember. This isn’t that I guess.
Membre depuis Dec 12, 2020   posts 11
Dec 12, 2020 at 22:38
The Holland system is more efficient as far as I can remember. This isn’t that I guess.
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018   posts 319
Dec 13, 2020 at 11:12
Harrylam887 posted:
The Holland system is more efficient as far as I can remember. This isn’t that I guess.
Exactly, this is not our EA
BUY NOW www.hollandtrader.site
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2018   posts 319
Dec 13, 2020 at 11:12
koszloxMoskva posted:
The Holland system is more efficient as far as I can remember. This isn’t that I guess.
Exactly, this is not our EA
BUY NOW www.hollandtrader.site
Membre depuis Jun 18, 2020   posts 6
Apr 24, 2022 at 09:46
Membre depuis Jun 18, 2020   posts 6
Apr 24, 2022 at 10:36 (édité Apr 24, 2022 at 10:46)
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