Max Billion Clubs, jatindra M - Agung T (de Agung2012)

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Discussion Max Billion Clubs, jatindra M - Agung T

Nov 23, 2012 at 22:50
Vues 9,118
135 Replies
Membre depuis Aug 01, 2012   posts 112
Apr 29, 2013 at 15:06
hallo steve.. nice to see you..

I do not know why the graph to be like that ..
but anything that has been printed I'll show you
so I capture for all
if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Membre depuis Aug 01, 2012   posts 112
Apr 30, 2013 at 11:25
hallo steve..

The Graph is good again
so yesterday is not true

if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Membre depuis Aug 01, 2012   posts 112
Apr 30, 2013 at 11:25
3900 % at 30 april 2013
if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Membre depuis Aug 01, 2012   posts 112
May 01, 2013 at 07:15
4000 % 1 mey 2013


money manager...
you can email me..
if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Membre depuis May 01, 2013   posts 3
May 01, 2013 at 20:29
Saya bangga dan senang ada warga Indonesia yg punya kemampuan seperti Anda!

Saya nitip satu hal saja: Banggakan bangsa kita. Tegakkan Merah Putih di duniia kangouw trading!

Sedikit saran mungkin ada gunanya: Jual saja di ebay. Ide lain: Keliling Indonesia bikin pelatihan forex trading. Saya siap bantu untuk Lampung :) (sambil ikutan belajar)
Membre depuis Aug 01, 2012   posts 112
May 01, 2013 at 23:28
@ bangitem yang baik hatinya

terima kasih..
semoga bisa menjalankan titipan anda.

    *** Lagu kesukaan saya Bendera dari coklat***

Biar saja ku tak seindah matahari
Tapi selalu ku coba tuk menghangatkanmu
Biar saja ku tak setegar batu karang
Tapi selalu ku coba tuk melindungimu

Biar saja ku tak seharum bunga mawar
Tapi selalu ku coba tuk mengharumkanmu
Biar saja ku tak seelok langit sore
Tapi selalu ku coba tuk mengindahkanmu

Ku pertahankan kau demi kehormatan bangsaku
Ku pertahankan kau demi tumpah darah
Semua pahlawan-pahlawanku

* merah putih teruslah kau berkibar
  di ujung tiang tertinggi di indonesiaku ini
  merah putih teruslah kau berkibar
  di ujung tiang tertinggi di indonesiaku ini
  merah putih teruslah kau berkibar
  ku akan selalu menjagamu

saran anda saya pertimbangkan..
untuk sementara belum di jual dahulu..
demikian juga pelatihannya masih di susun dahulu materinya..
ternyata untuk dapat menang seperti ini banyak hal yang harus dimengerti dan di kuasai..

silahkan email saya di [email protected] siapa tahu saya benar benar mengadakan pelatihan forex trading.

saya pernah mengadakan di surabaya..
suatu saat nanti akan di lampung..

doakan yaaa.....

ini saya sedang mengajar forex..

if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Membre depuis Aug 01, 2012   posts 112
May 02, 2013 at 06:54

if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Membre depuis Aug 01, 2012   posts 112
May 02, 2013 at 15:15
Up date...

4100 % at 2 mei 2013

if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Membre depuis May 01, 2013   posts 3
May 03, 2013 at 09:32
Setulusnya saya doakan. Saya kira banyak orang kita juga akan berdoa untuk Mas Agung karena yg Mas bisa kerjakan ini bisa membukakan pintu rezeki saudara sebangsa dan keluarga mereka.

Selain Bendera Coklat untuk masa sekarang, semasa remaja dulu saya suka Gebyar-gebyar Gombloh. Dua lagu yg bisa bikin dada kita bergetar sbg orang Merah Putih.

Tentang pelatihan: Memang materinya mesti disusun sistematis. Perlu waktu. Saya sudah kirim emailnya.

Membre depuis Aug 01, 2012   posts 112
May 03, 2013 at 11:39
terima kasih atas doanya..

doakan saya dapat menyusun dengan baik dan membawa teman teman yang lain bisa dapat rejeki dari forex ini

iya saya juga suka lagu gombloh dulu waktu kita masih muda..

terima kasih atas suportnya yaa...
if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Membre depuis Jan 25, 2010   posts 1360
May 03, 2013 at 19:06
Agung2012 posted:
I apologize to my friends because it can not open a statement because there you will be easy to see the strategy .. a way that is simple, easy but very powerful and nearly invincible ... the holi grail is come ...
March I will sell for $ 800 and april i will sell for $ 850, every month I will raise $ 50

Ha! So this guy is obviously either:
A. greedy (not making enough money already), which raises the question: why is he sharing this when you would expect someone this greedy to keep it to themselves? Or
B. a scammer - peddling more crap on the net, as if the other 99.9% of shit out there is not enough already.

The true forex community is appalled at the lack of integrity of dishonest individuals such as this, who have no integrity and have plagued this industry for far too long. 😡
Membre depuis Aug 01, 2012   posts 112
May 04, 2013 at 08:19
greed .. everyone would have it including me
even you also will never feel enough for the money that goes into your pocket ..
the problem is how we master our greed.
I want to put the whole lot that I can enter in order to generate a lot of profit ..
but forex is not against your competitors but how do you control yourself
why do so many people lose money in the forex market?
because it is the hardest fight in self

17.Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant
18. but he knoweth not that the dead are there, and thet her guest
are in the depths of hell ( proferbs 9: 17-18)

greed as sin, looks beautiful suddenly you lose money
if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Membre depuis Aug 01, 2012   posts 112
May 06, 2013 at 10:50
Now you can see my trade at:

see you there..


if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Membre depuis Aug 01, 2012   posts 112
May 14, 2013 at 12:31

client happy..
I am happyyyyy... :)
if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Membre depuis Jan 25, 2010   posts 1360
May 14, 2013 at 15:04 (édité May 14, 2013 at 15:13)
Agung2012 posted:
greed .. everyone would have it including me
even you also will never feel enough for the money that goes into your pocket ..
the problem is how we master our greed.
I want to put the whole lot that I can enter in order to generate a lot of profit ..
but forex is not against your competitors but how do you control yourself
why do so many people lose money in the forex market?
because it is the hardest fight in self

Agung, there is a difference between what you call 'greed' and what may be called 'survival'. Some people are not 'greedy' but 'needy', in that what they have in their own pockets is not enough to pay for food, water, shelter, clothing. I consider it greedy to want in EXCESS of what one needs to cover these essentials (excess being the operative word). Upgrading these essentials is only natural, but EXCESS is not. Greed is also having ability to share success/objects/profits, but not willing to share these.

I appreciate your kind response, but until you have another method for me to invest (eg. copy trader, MAM) I will not be depositing the MONEY I HAVE WORKED FOR in a stranger's account.

Truly, if you were honest and not greedy I do not see why you can't have these options available also.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. 😁
Membre depuis Nov 16, 2012   posts 60
May 14, 2013 at 16:16
Well said Blue Panther,

about time someone threw him back his own coin
Membre depuis Aug 01, 2012   posts 112
May 14, 2013 at 17:22
excuse my language limitations ..
I tried to explain it ..

'needy', or in desperate need of money .. hardly even hardly afford to buy food or shelter ..

If you do not have the money then we have to work
If excess money we have to invest

forex is investing not work so you have to have the money that excess

that's what a lot of people out to make money is to bet money that they can not accept if it loses, when you are in a floating position then you will feel the world would collapse, especially if you are going to lose the house or can not eat ..

any strategies I can tell you that soon you will lose your money.
This thing called money scare
If you already have excess money then any strategy then you will come out a winner

matthew 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

I'm sorry I underestimated you instead
but i love you

Proverbs 27:6 Faitful are the Wounds of a friend but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful
if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Membre depuis Jan 25, 2010   posts 1360
May 14, 2013 at 18:12 (édité May 14, 2013 at 18:16)
Agung2012 posted:
excuse my language limitations ..
I tried to explain it ..

'needy', or in desperate need of money .. hardly even hardly afford to buy food or shelter ..

If you do not have the money then we have to work
If excess money we have to invest

forex is investing not work so you have to have the money that excess

that's what a lot of people out to make money is to bet money that they can not accept if it loses, when you are in a floating position then you will feel the world would collapse, especially if you are going to lose the house or can not eat ..

any strategies I can tell you that soon you will lose your money.
This thing called money scare
If you already have excess money then any strategy then you will come out a winner

matthew 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

I'm sorry I underestimated you instead
but i love you

Proverbs 27:6 Faitful are the Wounds of a friend but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful

Thanks kingofmonash 😄

Agung: A valid point you raise - only risk money in forex you can afford to lose. That said, you still do not want to be simply throwing away good money after bad.

I find it strange that you continue using Bible verses in a discussion about your forex system, on a forex forum. Is this an attempt to convince readers of this here forum that you are a God-fearing person and will not do anything dishonest or deceitful? Or are you alluding to the fact that you rely on 'God's intervention', and 'hope and pray' that your system stays profitable?

Either way, it is sheer folly that you are trying to mix religion with forex trading. Stick to the topic, don't 'beat around the bush': provide investors with a more legitimate means of participating in your system (MAM, copy trader, IB account), or else you are nothing but a scam artist.

Do not bother asking people to deposit money in your bank / Liberty Reserve account. And do not rely on God to give you profits.

I rest my case.
Membre depuis Aug 01, 2012   posts 112
May 15, 2013 at 01:11
I'm sorry if this (Bible verse) is disturbing you.

I did not use a Bible verse for you so believe in me ..
two green validation and real money is enough to know that it's a real account have thousand percent profit

I love the bible verse as my life changed because of His goodness
when I tell you this is my ability then I say it's very wrong ..
This all is grace ..

I was a property broker
I bought 3 houses in 3 years
every month there are 24 property transactions so it can be said that almost every day I sell homes

that time I was very arrogant and self-reliant.
I produce my pride 3 home without using capital

Suddenly I can not sell the house at all
when it occurs in 1 month then it is called coincidence ..
but when 3 years then there must be something wrong that must be repaired ..
I have sold homes to house the worst

I began to understand
all I get is the saving grace
sin which I did only destroy the saving grace
I now repent
when I get back to the right path
when I do the word in the Bible
Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the begining of knowladge:

Psalm: 1:1 -3 but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law doth he mediate day and night, .... and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper..

This happened to me...
iI hope will be happend to you all...

Fichiers joints:

if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Membre depuis Jan 25, 2010   posts 1360
May 15, 2013 at 03:06 (édité May 15, 2013 at 03:07)
Great, I'm happy for you. I hope I can be as happy as you one day also. 😞

Let me know when you have a MAM or copy-trader, or IB account so I can keep control of my funds. I will never have my money leave my account to someone else's bank account (or Liberty Reserve account), no matter how good (or verifiable) performance is. 😎
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