Medallion (de grandikre)

Gain : +2515.92%
Drawdown 37.23%
Pips: 2338.9
Transactions 360
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:500
Trading: Inconnu

Discussion Medallion

Nov 01, 2019 at 13:01
Vues 4,704
44 Replies
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2019   posts 338
Feb 28, 2020 at 13:44
johntrung123 posted:
marco_mmbiz posted:
johntrung123 posted:
no stop loss ! Now the drawdown scares the heck out of those who have just joined

I can see on all trades (closed and opened ones) an SL and TP.

Look at the opening trades. This is called suicidal stop loss

You're right. It looks a bit weird to use such high SL's, compared to such 'low' TP's.
But have a look on the trading history... It seems the trader is stopping bad trades out before their SL's are even reached. It looks more like those SL's are some kind of a 'maximum stop-out for worst cases', like if the trader can't trade directly/manually or something.
patience is the key
Membre depuis Jan 12, 2020   posts 29
Feb 29, 2020 at 08:37
Lol. That SL is a joke. This is what happens if you try to trade big lots in a short time frame without SL. Past DD does not reflect risk. A risk comes when a relatively high position is opened with an intention to take big profit within a short time frame. It can be 1% in 5 min, or 100% in 3 days and so on. This is why it's a risky signal. There is no diversification in positions as well...
Membre depuis Sep 13, 2017   posts 140
Mar 01, 2020 at 06:53
This account is just another all or nothing strategy running on a Cent Account , nothing at risk here, just your money if you follow the signal
Be humble
Membre depuis Aug 27, 2015   posts 68
Mar 03, 2020 at 03:25
wake up call
Membre depuis Aug 27, 2015   posts 68
Mar 04, 2020 at 04:25
Now the moment of truth. Keep going to protect IDS :-)
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