SFE Combo (Freedom + Impulse + Stock Market) (de SFETrading)

Gain : +1.12%
Drawdown 15.58%
Pips: 62299.2
Transactions 117
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:500
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion SFE Combo (Freedom + Impulse + Stock Market)

May 20 at 13:21
Vues 78
1 Replies
Membre depuis May 11, 2020   posts 89
May 22 at 00:08
This is our new SFE Combo portfolio - running SFE Freedom, SFE Impulse and SFE Stock Market on the same account.

With a starting balance $20,000, SFE Combo has made 9.5% ($1900) of gains in the first 2 days of trading.

Still early days but it is showing a lot of promise. 😉
Membre depuis May 11, 2020   posts 89
Jun 12 at 00:33
After 2 weeks of slight DD we have made a new high! 😄

Overall nearly up $9000 profit across all our 3 SFE accounts - screenshot attached 😎

You can check out our accounts (SFE Combo, SFE Combo High Risk and SFE Impulse 3x Risk) at https://www.myfxbook.com/members/SFETrading

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