Signal 903 (de forex_trader_538373)

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Discussion Signal 903

Sep 30, 2018 at 21:49
Vues 693
9 Replies
Membre depuis Jul 07, 2018   posts 68
Oct 26, 2018 at 09:13
PAMM account at Fibo Group with excellent results.
Age 44 days, profitability 100.65%
Membre depuis Aug 10, 2012   posts 57
Oct 28, 2018 at 07:43
Very young

have you backtest 5 years ?
Membre depuis Jul 07, 2018   posts 68
Oct 28, 2018 at 14:54
You are right this PAMM accounts is young. You should visit my PAMMs regularly. You can click on my profile picture to see the others also available.

The automated backtest is not effective as the EA needs to be adapted to some market changing conditions, for example : low volatility in August and December/January Holidays and some other parameters, daylight time shifts... But manual backtesting is very accurate so that's why I decided to develop this EA.

You can always jump in with minimal investment if you are not confident enough yet. You can decide to wait and let it grow or join and be part of the success. I'm also looking for PAMM agents if you are interested.


Membre depuis Jul 07, 2018   posts 68
Dec 12, 2018 at 07:26
Anyone interested in this profitable trading strategy, let me know.

Quick stats :
Age 90 days, profitability 296.48%
Membre depuis Jul 07, 2018   posts 68
Dec 14, 2018 at 08:53
This powerful trading strategy is newly available on Signal Start.
Membre depuis Feb 23, 2015   posts 1
Dec 19, 2018 at 11:29
Very impressive stats , Denis , and well done you ! As a newbie who has had my asszz badly sizzled by binary-sharks and their false promises , I would like to recover my losses (would'nt we all ??) . I have an a/c with IC Markets and find them particularly easy/reliable/honest to deal with . Is it possible to play your exact trades on my a/c there , or am I limited to you own trading house , also is there a max amount to trade with or should it be exactly what you have in your own a/c ?? . In response to yhe "quote" , I picked the wrong side some time ago , and would like to correct this if possible ! , Best regards , Seán .
Membre depuis Jul 07, 2018   posts 68
Dec 20, 2018 at 07:39
Hi Sean,

Thank you for reaching out. You can use your own broker to copy the trades as long as you have the account running on a VPS.
There is not limit on your account size, the signal copying will adjust the lot size properly to the the positions opened from the master account.

In Forex be careful with promises, any system carries a risk and you should determine upon the stats if you decide to invest or not.

I have 3 systems on Signal Start, you can choose which one you prefer :

Let me know if you need more information


Membre depuis Jun 27, 2014   posts 98
Dec 20, 2018 at 10:55
Woaw!! What happened here? Seems a big crash. Glad I didn't copy this one!
You haven't been around lately.
Membre depuis Jan 14, 2018   posts 152
Dec 20, 2018 at 14:55
Well his DD already it 50%, and when that happens you can expect a much higher DD and thats more than likely what happened.

I looked at his other Precision account and he is trading the Hamster EA and charging $40 per month for the signal, when you can just go buy the EA for $99 bucks and trade it yourself.
Membre depuis Jan 05, 2016   posts 1097
Dec 21, 2018 at 08:59
The account was blown because you are trading with a high risk strategy and over trading the account.

Fichiers joints:

If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
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