Synthetic-FX (de Pikasso)

Gain : +39.06%
Drawdown 13.23%
Pips: 1826.6
Transactions 573
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:500
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion Synthetic-FX

Feb 02 at 12:17
Vues 183
2 Replies
Membre depuis Jan 31, 2017   posts 202
Feb 21 at 16:35

▪ High return with low risk 📈
▪ 100% automated ⚙
▪ Machine learning 🤖
▪ Min. $100 deposit is required 💰
▪ Can be copied from SignalStart 👉
Trading system developers and strategy providers.
Membre depuis Jan 31, 2017   posts 202
Mar 03 at 20:43
In February the trading system achieved a growth of +27.88% 🚀
Join us 👉

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Trading system developers and strategy providers.
Membre depuis Jan 31, 2017   posts 202
May 03 at 09:35
In April the trading system achieved a growth of +0.6% 🚀
Join us 👉

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Trading system developers and strategy providers.
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