Zero2Hero FREE2Copy round 1 (de Thepoundmaestro)

Gain : +233.54%
Drawdown 42.01%
Pips: 2465.8
Transactions 284
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:1000
Trading: Inconnu

Discussion Zero2Hero FREE2Copy round 1

Jan 31, 2021 at 10:13
Vues 631
7 Replies
Membre depuis Jan 29, 2021   posts 44
Feb 01, 2021 at 17:01
Trading journey started.
Strategy for trading using grid with some fundamental and technical analysis.
Simple, but powerful to get profit so far.
Just like mostly small traders hope...I will try to reach 1M profit and will retired from my job if this profit target fill my wallet😄
From Zero to Hero
Membre depuis Jan 29, 2021   posts 44
Feb 03, 2021 at 08:32
Dear God...I hope today market will produce some good entry points like yesterday😊
From Zero to Hero
Membre depuis Jan 29, 2021   posts 44
Feb 05, 2021 at 16:41
Time to relax.. have a good weekend all😉
From Zero to Hero
Membre depuis Apr 06, 2019   posts 10
Feb 07, 2021 at 11:06
Hi, do you sell your ea? How much?
Membre depuis Jan 29, 2021   posts 44
Feb 07, 2021 at 11:59
kaporit posted:
Hi, do you sell your ea? How much?
I do not sell my ea. If you interested, it is only available to copy from my account for free, no profit sharing model, no subscribing fee, no vps to buy, no money to pay to me, available with small conditions only for joining my private copy service.
You may contact me by email or telegram for details, my contact address available on my profile page
From Zero to Hero
Membre depuis Jan 29, 2021   posts 44
Mar 12, 2021 at 09:39
keyaanhenry posted:
The returns on this system are really good. Do share more of such systems on the platform.
I no longer use mt5 platform anymore because i have some trouble copying trading from my mt5 account to my members accounts. Please for discussion about my system will continue here,1 as i will not monitor this thread again.
From Zero to Hero
Membre depuis Jan 05, 2021   posts 11
Apr 02, 2021 at 03:45
Wow! The returns on this are promising and the strategy you’ve used here is also profitable. Keep up the good work and do share more.
Membre depuis Jun 16, 2020   posts 57
Jun 18, 2021 at 06:06
Good luck with your target and may you find all the success in your life.
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