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how many pips a year do you need to make ?
तबसे मेंबर है Oct 23, 2014
77 पोस्टों
Apr 27, 2020 at 09:04
तबसे मेंबर है Oct 23, 2014
77 पोस्टों
answer is shocking 1 pip.if you knew you could 100 percent make 1 pip;you would put 100 lots on it.or more with different brokers.it is like fishing;you could catch 1 blue fin tuna and get over $730;000 at japan fish market.just 1 fish a year.the point is too many traders are getting lots of pips; profit wise not so.after trading many years i have decided less is more.less trades but more certain of trades with higher lots.what do you think.?
तबसे मेंबर है Mar 25, 2020
8 पोस्टों
तबसे मेंबर है Apr 01, 2020
227 पोस्टों
May 07, 2020 at 01:36
तबसे मेंबर है Apr 01, 2020
227 पोस्टों
I think any profit in forex is good. 100 pips per month is very good and 300 pips is outstanding. Most people make money for a short period and give all back. So I think 1200 pips a year is very good and 3600 pips outstanding. Do it for 5 years and you know you have an excellent trading system.
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 17, 2019
2 पोस्टों
तबसे मेंबर है Aug 27, 2017
875 पोस्टों
May 08, 2020 at 12:24
तबसे मेंबर है Aug 27, 2017
875 पोस्टों
In my trading, I am comfortable with the fixed trading spread, I see during the high voltage news, brokers (not all brokers) increase the trading spreads if traders use dynamic trading spread.
keeping patience.......
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 18, 2020
19 पोस्टों
May 13, 2020 at 17:16
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 18, 2020
19 पोस्टों
It's not about pips, it's about money. You are making money or not, that's all.
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 12, 2020
20 पोस्टों
Jun 21, 2020 at 15:07
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 12, 2020
20 पोस्टों
Um, I've never measured my profit with such a measure. It seemed to me that most traders are focused on the percentage of profit from the current capital, and I also tried to estimate my statistics in this way, perhaps it is worth trying your approach.
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 24, 2020
7 पोस्टों
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 08, 2019
20 पोस्टों
Jun 26, 2020 at 17:44
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 08, 2019
20 पोस्टों
I have also recently seen such an approach and it turned out to be quite difficult, though really accurate.
But keeping a record after each trade, if you work with short-term positions, is a real job that requires extra time.
But keeping a record after each trade, if you work with short-term positions, is a real job that requires extra time.
तबसे मेंबर है Jul 10, 2020
1 पोस्टों
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 14, 2015
315 पोस्टों
Jul 13, 2020 at 11:09
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 14, 2015
315 पोस्टों
A pip of EURGBP is worth way more than a pip in USDMXN. A pip in a 100 lot position is worth more than a pip in a 0.01 position.
Take my account, it says I made 12555.8 pip this month, great, but it just mounts to 15.5% profit.
Take my account, it says I made 12555.8 pip this month, great, but it just mounts to 15.5% profit.
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 22, 2011
4573 पोस्टों
Jul 13, 2020 at 11:53
तबसे मेंबर है Feb 22, 2011
4573 पोस्टों
On Caesar system I made 29033.5 pips
तबसे मेंबर है May 08, 2018
10 पोस्टों
Jul 13, 2020 at 12:04
तबसे मेंबर है May 08, 2018
10 पोस्टों
100pip a month seems very low. Is that really a good target?
तबसे मेंबर है Jul 15, 2020
30 पोस्टों
Jul 17, 2020 at 10:08
तबसे मेंबर है Jul 15, 2020
30 पोस्टों
If you make 100 pips per month it’s quite good , so considering that 1200 pips a year is a satisfactory outcome and if you reach 3600 that is outstanding.
तबसे मेंबर है Sep 27, 2019
9 पोस्टों
तबसे मेंबर है May 11, 2020
1 पोस्टों
तबसे मेंबर है Nov 17, 2019
2 पोस्टों
तबसे मेंबर है Jul 19, 2020
310 पोस्टों
Aug 14, 2020 at 11:26
तबसे मेंबर है Jul 19, 2020
310 पोस्टों
You just need to be consistent with profit. Your risk and reward could be anything. You are here to doing business not gambling. What about spread, margin, lot size. You need to be realistic with your target according your strategy and skills.
तबसे मेंबर है Aug 11, 2020
7 पोस्टों

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