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Forgot to say that I subscribed again, but never got the activation key! So I cannot run the EA's to see if they really perform.
Can anybody report back on this service? It is a year now that I applied for membership to the forum and I am still waiting to be approved so I cannot participate on their Forum to find out what is going on.
Now there website is back but I agree that one should test this site before applying the ea's on live accounts......do your homework. I am not saying it is bad or good just something feels funny, that's all . Just put it on demo for a month and cross check the results on the website and on your demo.
Then again EA's (not from FEXEA)have shown to take different signals on different MT4 accounts so this is hard to really test and see whats what.
I tested three of their EA's and found that the transactions on their site and mine do not agree. I had some losses on my account not shown on their records. One EA did no transactions on my account but they showed profitable transaction on their report. When I queried this I got no response.
Then I tried to become a member of their forum and applied. It is now 4 months and I am still waiting for the administrator to be approved.
In my opinion one should be really careful of this lot. I have cancelled all my tests with them.
I have the same problem too..... are there any news about the FEXEA Services? 😲
Today I can't log on the site......is the site still "on air"?
So whats the feedback? Good or bad? Anyone still using them?
I was tyring to be a signal provider for that system for a 2 weeks, i wrote a 4 emails to them, and used form form website, but they didn't answered me at all. Does they accept new signal providers?
I tested five EA's and most of the trades don't match what is shown on the website. I have good broker with very tight spreads.
100500, tordenhox, fremad, prizmal. not good using eurica type instaforex.
what EA's are you testing?
IIt is free services. So why trial if you could have full for free. I'm testing 4eas, i'll the result later. Thanks.
Could someone please tell me if there is a trial offer and if so, where would Igo to get it?
Thank You,
Yes, all is done, all is ok, but dont works...
However Thank you!
Fantastic job, love it!
Have you installed the activator and registered an activation key? (example attached)
If thats not it i really dont know. I see a lot of people with problems with this software and very little explanation from the FexEA site.
All the time I am trying 10 strategies on demo acc, but no trade... blue OK shining, smiling face in right corner... Fexea on screen...
Few days ago I started the same on other VPS, hoping that problem is in the PC (no idea why it should be), dont works too....
Anybody some idea?
I know that this problem was mentioned here, but no reaction...
Good lock!
next I found is that the web is quite new, it has no history http://wayback.archive.org/web/*/http://www.fexea.com/ try another one and you will see, its interesting utility....
I'm am really skeptical also.
They also seem to ignore these questions in their own forum. For example two people have asked where the money comes from in this thread:
No answer from Fexea Admins.
On the other side of the coin, this test is profitable so far. I'll be ending this test in a week and posting my analysis after that.
I was googling everything about fexea trying to make some point of wiew, its here:
1) It looks too good to be true
2) They offers 10USD per follower and tey dont want nothing
3) There are hundreds of followers on every EA, and they write Live accounts: $ 2 208 716.15, it is not thue, oldest posts on the internet about this firm are from summer 2011. Till now, there is only few people which are trying their systems on demo, I dont believe they have more then 1000 USD Live accounts.
4) Few followers (including me) reports, that the systems dont makes same orders on theyr accounts (green OK, smiling face) like reports fexea. I suppose especially while reports on fexea shows green numbers.
5) history of the EAs is long (few years), if there is profitable system for free, it very fastly starts to be popular, first notes about fexea starts this summer, there are systems Started: 02.Jan.2009 (1058 days), all time profitable.
And: 2010-2011 FEXEA.com All Rights Reserved. You really think profitable system was created, after profit year sold to fexea, more then year tested on fexea, this summer gave for free to everyone..... Doesnt look weird?
6) In spite of "makers" of the systems are from all world, the names looks like to be produced by one brain from one language.
My decision: Most probably this looks like they made false "EAs" with false history, all the EAs are their=no provisions (10USDs), when someone trade it, they send only few thades (low TP to have most of it profitable) plus add some profitable trades to the history. This all is making them popular and making the web more attended.
But, my be that is not true, they could be really good, we all will win billions of USD within next year. Thats why I will test 13 systems on the demo and share results on my profile (its reporting the demo).
Lets cooperate to proove
Sorry for my English, not native.
Good luck,