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you made me interested in this service.
I use now Tradency.
soon i will publish from this service.
Well... so far the findings aren't that great. I have missed trades, problems with the FEXEA activation client, and something in the region of 4 mins latency on some trades, so anything that even looks like a scalper is a no-go.
For the forseeable future I'll be running a demo & live account in sync and once I have signficant data to post, I'll make it public. For now, I'm not that impressed, but sticking with it.
Have a good weekend all.
Yes, I'm concerned about the too good to be true factor as well. I'm also running a trial of the Likmi FX signal too. I'm hoping that one of my accounts will pay off shortly and I can start running the tiniest of tiny live accounts with these EA's. Ultimately, I can't really judge an account until it's performance is seen in live.
That being said, there's probably some old crows floating round these forums that'll read this and just be shaking their heads thinking 'another sucker'. My scepticism remains at an all time high. ;)
@atelier ,
Just made the FexEA testing account public and also started taggging all trades to make it easier to follow whats going on.
This whole thing smells of too good to be true but the first days or two's trading seems to be successful.
Be interested to see your results on a VPN
Lilian & Carl, I'll be following your account. Thanks.
I have also setup the Bong Bummm EA on a VPN demo account with Alpari UK. Applied EA to USDCHF on M5. Account is £1000, with 1:100 leverage. Duplicate MT4 client is running the myfxbook EA on the same VPN.
Also note that each EA seems to have multiple magic numbers so you will have to check multiple boxes in the custom analysis to see what each EA is doing
I really question this mob as well. They claim to pay the EA providers $10 per "follower" but dont say where this money is coming from.
Anyway, I have set up a test account here:
Over the next month I'll be testing these FexEA EA's.
Bong Bummm
Henkoljei 155
Indoama FX
100500 EA
Lerbinjoks Expert
all of the magic numbers are set up so you can do a custom analysis for each EA. as of writing only Henkoljei 155 and Indoama FX have put in any trades.
I don't believe the hype.
I'm going to be trialling one or two of these EA's in the near future in a demo account in the UK. I will make my results public.
Here is my report 😎
Ok, but could you let me know what I need to make the EA working?
As for now, I have the activator installed and activated.
I have correctly installed an EA (Bong Bummm EA)
I have added this EA to the USDCHF 5M Chart and I set the Lots size and the WorkingSymbol to USDCHF
I have the smiley face for the EA, and it display the name of the EA and its status as OK on the chart.
From the page I have downloaded the EA I see that thee was some trade, but mine did not traded anything at all.
For sure, backtest this EA is not possible.
So what I need to do to make it work?
Very good service !!!!!!!
How this thing work?
I have downloaded the activator, activated and I also downloaded an EA which I have added to the chart.
Now, from the provider website I see that there was trade today, but on my pc no trade was executed.
The EA I am talking about is Bong Bummm EA
Just started to test them on demo with 3 brokers lets see what I will have
This service is intended for those that want to use an EA instead of a signal service, meaning they "rent" the EA and use it.
Still it needs some work mainly in the way it presents those systems.
I trade with them more than month, and I see in my account only profitable result.
I do not know if there another who can compete with them.
Аnd most importantly that all is free, you can test it on demo or live accounts.