Looking for a Forex copywriter

Apr 19, 2013 at 12:31
2 Replies
會員從Jun 05, 2012開始   1帖子
Apr 19, 2013 at 12:31
Hi there traders,

I am looking for a copywriter to help me with some projects I have for my forex price action site.

I would like the person to be an active trader themselves, and have a solid understand of basic market principles, that's why I am asking here.

If anyone is interested please leave your details below.

會員從Oct 07, 2010開始   17帖子
Apr 24, 2013 at 02:06
I'm an price action trader.
What is the job description you offer?
Your Family and Friends are much worth than Forex! Spend your best time with them & make them happier, don't waste it only with the fucking chart ! [Givon Lee]
會員從Apr 25, 2013開始   3帖子
Apr 25, 2013 at 11:57
It is interesting. But I'm not an English native speaker. Is it a problem?
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