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Trading without stop loss
會員從Apr 09, 2019開始
Nov 11, 2021 at 11:43
會員從Apr 09, 2019開始
I don't think trading without a stop loss has got anything to do with skill. It's kamikaze risk management and wouldn't fly on any trading floor or in any fund so why is it acceptable for your own personal account? As the poster above me rightly says, this is a game of capital preservation first and foremost. We all lose trades and it's about ensuring those losses don't wipe out your gains. Yes you can hedge but how often does that go well?
If you can't spot the liquidity then you are the liquidity.
會員從Jan 22, 2021開始
會員從Oct 29, 2021開始
會員從Aug 05, 2021開始
Dec 04, 2021 at 19:59
會員從Sep 16, 2020開始
Guess that stop loss is the main thing in trading activity. Lots of traders neglect trading with stop loss because they think that they know when to stop, nevertheless, according to the statistics, the vast majority of traders doesn't know when to stop. They just blow their accounts, especially when they trad with leverages.
In my opinion, it's strictly prohibited to trade without stop loss and I don't talk only about novices, it concerns professionals as well.
In my opinion, it's strictly prohibited to trade without stop loss and I don't talk only about novices, it concerns professionals as well.
