Fx Power Club - Growth, Hot Forex PAMM (由 fastpipsjpy)


Fx Power Club - Growth, Hot Forex PAMM討論

Apr 02, 2012 at 21:56
105 Replies
會員從Aug 09, 2011開始   6帖子
May 05, 2012 at 09:25
People are still crying. If everyone is such a professional, why not trade your own money. Why give your money to a stranger. None of these managers on myfx or hotforex last more than six month. FT 45547 tried his best. If you can do better then go do it, but please stop all the crying. Forex is a gamble period.
會員從Apr 14, 2012開始   1帖子
May 05, 2012 at 09:27
We have lost all our money as well but that it is life we all know the risk and we choose to stay in and hope for the best it did not work out .We pick ourselves up and move forward
會員從Mar 08, 2012開始   44帖子
May 05, 2012 at 10:36

   tino17 posted:
Hi, Skymania, have u checked ur account recently? :-) Dont worry.. the story has not ended yet, still remaining FL 50%. Enjoy.

I check my account all the time. Do you think bitching around here because of it will make feel better ? Will bring back my funds ? No it won't. So I don't bitch around. I belive Jason is a true end honest person who had some bad luck. Thats all. I agree he never shouldn't go over 20-30 % DD. But hey big gains = big risk. I knew that when I opened an account under him. And i hope you all guys did to, otherwise your plain dead stupid...
會員從Aug 22, 2009開始   390帖子
May 05, 2012 at 13:45
I posted earlier. I lost all my fund twice in hotforex Pamm account.

The total was $6K plain US dollars. Now I never look again the pamm history in hotforex

The market is not moving for his hope and expactations.

So sorry guys to hear that.
會員從Feb 15, 2012開始   6帖子
May 05, 2012 at 13:59 (已編輯May 05, 2012 at 14:00)

   youngchang posted:
   I posted earlier. I lost all my fund twice in hotforex Pamm account.

The total was $6K plain US dollars. Now I never look again the pamm history in hotforex

The market is not moving for his hope and expactations.

So sorry guys to hear that.

I'm not sure if there is a name for this theory or if its published somewhere, I'm sure it is, but look at it like this.

Let's say hotforex has 5000 PAMM account managers since it started it's PAMM program 8 months ago.
The first month, half of them decimated, the other half won.
Now we have 2500 successful PAMM investers,
The 2nd month, half won, half lost, now we have 1250 succesful, always winning investers.
3rd month, 625
4th month, 313
5th month, 156
6th month, 78
7th month, 39
8th month (now), 19 successful managers that look like they win EVERY month.

Simply put, going solely on past performance you'll always find a winner with a big enough pool of players. I sincerly hope you guys are picking your account managers going off more than just the fact that they did well in past performance.
If it doesn't make money, it doesn't make sense.
會員從May 07, 2012開始   3帖子
May 08, 2012 at 06:34

   youngchang posted:
   I posted earlier. I lost all my fund twice in hotforex Pamm account.

The total was $6K plain US dollars. Now I never look again the pamm history in hotforex

The market is not moving for his hope and expactations.

So sorry guys to hear that.

Sorry. Have you any successfull experience with PAMMs?
=NO money NO honey=
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