MDPv1.2+MDP modified Live (由 smithfx1)

收益: +38.39%
縮減 15.19%
點: 1081.0
交易 1202
類型: 真實
杠杆率: 1:100
交易: 自動的

MDPv1.2+MDP modified Live討論

Dec 27, 2011 at 12:42
39 Replies
會員從Sep 29, 2010開始   178帖子
Jan 10, 2012 at 13:23
what vps are u using?
Get Rich or Die Trying
會員從Dec 20, 2011開始   4帖子
Jan 12, 2012 at 07:42
what broker you are using?
did you change the settings?
會員從Jun 15, 2011開始   71帖子
Jan 13, 2012 at 23:08
May i ask what order modification speed you are currently getting? Thank you.
會員從Jan 10, 2012開始   77帖子
Jan 15, 2012 at 20:52
Hi, would be appreciated if you could verify your track record and trading privileges. Seems like you are having a good start in your trading. Keep up the good work ! 😉
會員從Dec 05, 2011開始   37帖子
Jan 16, 2012 at 16:48

Anchorpoint posted:
Hi, would be appreciated if you could verify your track record and trading privileges. Seems like you are having a good start in your trading. Keep up the good work ! 😉

I don't know whats the problem. The investor password is correct and the pending order is active since over 1 week! but i created another pending order... But i will ask the Webmaster whats wrong 😕
會員從Sep 17, 2011開始   24帖子
Jan 16, 2012 at 21:56
hi Smith

Which MDP version are you using?
Greed isn't smart
會員從Jun 15, 2011開始   8帖子
Jan 16, 2012 at 21:57
Hi, are u using CNS VPS ?

could u please share the setting !
會員從Dec 05, 2011開始   37帖子
Jan 17, 2012 at 09:07
I'm using version 1.2 of MDP!

My settings:

Configuration================= Configuration
NumOrders_Level_Info_1=Range of 0..4, adjusts Number of Trades
NumOrders_Level_Info_2=0=Max Profit% 4=Max Num.Trades/Rebates
Additional_Channels_Info_1=Range of 0..8
Additional_Channels_Info_2=Safely improves trading frequency
Slippage_Info_1=Lower value improves profit rate,
Slippage_Info_2=higher: trades more but less accurately
Slippage_Info_3=(in traditional pips)
FIFO_Info_1=if Simultaneous_Orders>1 ,
FIFO_Info_2=u.s. citizens should turn it on
FIFO_Info_3=(required for NFA compliance)
Pessimistic_Testing_Info_1=Simulate bad live account conditions
Pessimistic_Testing_Info_2=during backtesting (i.e. Slippages)
Pessimistic_Testing_Info_3=(this has no effect in FIFO mode :
Pessimistic_Testing_Info_4= +turn off FIFO for 'optimistic')
Funky_Exit_Info=Exit trades sooner
AutoApply_ECN_Info_1=Use ECN account settings automatically
AutoApply_ECN_Info_2=when ECN conditions detected
Money_Management=---------------- Money Management
Risk_Info_1=Fixed risk % of balance per order
Risk_Info_2=NOTES :
Risk_Info_3=- if/when Group_Orders=true, one trade
Risk_Info_4=consists of more logical orders with
Risk_Info_5=this risk %, respectively
Risk_Info_6=- Trading volume is very variable
Risk_Info_7=as stop losses are in different distances
Risk_Mode_CommPips_Info_1=Risk is commensurate with target pips
Risk_Mode_CommPips_Info_2=otherwise it's only determined by %
Group_Orders_Info_1=Group bunch of orders into one trade
Group_Orders_Info_2=if possible, reducing server
Group_Orders_Info_3=communication overhead
SL_TP_Trailing=---------------- SL / TP / Trailing
Trailing_Resolution_1=Trailing stop moving resolution in traditional pips
Use_Stop_Orders_Info_1=Set true if 1) your broker doesn't deal with
Use_Stop_Orders_Info_2=opening slippage when executing STOP orders
Use_Stop_Orders_Info_3=and 2) broker stop level is <= 5.0 pips
Use_Stop_Orders_Info_4=(not recommended over 3.0 pips)
Hard_Stop_Trailing_Info_1=Trailing hard Stop/Loss and Take/Profit
Hard_Stop_Trailing_Info_2=Otherwise, doing it in programmatic manner
Hard_Stop_Trailing_Info_3=and SL/TP is just for covering

If someone have better settings, please post it!
會員從Jun 15, 2011開始   8帖子
Jan 17, 2012 at 11:28
thank you for sharing.
會員從Sep 17, 2011開始   24帖子
Jan 17, 2012 at 22:01
I have almost your same setting, only two differences:

Max_Simultaneous_Orders=2 / because looks like my broker has many MDP users, so the liquidity is affected at the time to trade. Hence opening less orders should improve my chance to get profit.

Risk=3 / I have increased it to get more trades, but is a little bit risky. Now i am planning to move my VPS closer to my broker in order to get better latency and be able to lower my risk.

Greed isn't smart
會員從May 31, 2011開始   54帖子
Jan 19, 2012 at 22:41
awesome results, smithfx1
會員從Jun 03, 2011開始   15帖子
Jan 20, 2012 at 08:55
anybody else use this broker? hope some1 please post the 2nd result.
Valuable investment make you richer
會員從Dec 05, 2011開始   37帖子
Jan 20, 2012 at 11:06
@rogelio Thank you :)

@no1trader at other forums you can find statements in MDP threads, just google it! I came to them on this way.

I hope today that MDP makes a few trades...
會員從Feb 09, 2011開始   313帖子
Jan 20, 2012 at 15:14
smithfx1: what slippage do You have at Your broker ?
Better to lose an oportunity than a money
會員從May 25, 2011開始   70帖子
Jan 25, 2012 at 10:05
i dont understand how you can have a modified version that makes money in demo yet you stick with a version on live that is suffering huge DD...
會員從Jan 10, 2012開始   77帖子
Jan 25, 2012 at 11:22

autofx101 posted:
i dont understand how you can have a modified version that makes money in demo yet you stick with a version on live that is suffering huge DD...

With MDP demo and live trading are different worlds..
會員從May 25, 2011開始   70帖子
Jan 25, 2012 at 11:55 (已編輯Jan 25, 2012 at 12:11)

Anchorpoint posted:

autofx101 posted:
i dont understand how you can have a modified version that makes money in demo yet you stick with a version on live that is suffering huge DD...

With MDP demo and live trading are different worlds..

i know all about that anchorpoint...
point is i would rather test my MDP on my live acc with minimal lots and watch the progress rather than demo...
會員從Jun 15, 2011開始   229帖子
Jan 25, 2012 at 20:13

I looked yours todays orders and i see that in some orders thare's huge slippage. The closed values are very different that the SL values. There's about 10 pips slippages. You have the losses because of that. So your broker is not good.

What's your opinion about that?
會員從Sep 17, 2011開始   24帖子
Jan 26, 2012 at 21:53
Hi Smith

Are you still using MDP?..i have not seen new trades on your report.
Greed isn't smart
會員從Jun 15, 2011開始   71帖子
Jan 26, 2012 at 22:10

jvargasm posted:
Hi Smith

Are you still using MDP?..i have not seen new trades on your report.

MDP doesnt trade EVERY day I hope you realise...
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