
Jul 02, 2011 at 10:58
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Dec 03, 2012 부터 멤버   게시물13
Feb 24, 2014 at 08:09
andrepixel posted:
Kalau di lihar dari Indikator, Eur USD ada kemungkinan untuk turun di level 1.3587, karena sudah berhari-hari bullish trus... 😁

Indikator ane malah sebaliknya mbah BUY EU tp 1.38000, ane udah OP lagi 😄
May 17, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물8
Feb 24, 2014 at 08:10
andrepixel posted:
Kalau di lihar dari Indikator, Eur USD ada kemungkinan untuk turun di level 1.3587, karena sudah berhari-hari bullish trus... 😁

mudah2an deh gan ditambah news euro untuk hari ini negatif :D
Hunting like a lion, calm, conscientious, waiting for the right time to attack, in which all that will bring maximum results
Nov 16, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물95
Feb 24, 2014 at 08:53,1
The weakest creature in the world is a human. It's a reason why the human always develop anything to make them stronger. I am here is just for share, not teaching anyone :)
Nov 16, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물95
Feb 24, 2014 at 09:15
risgiantoro posted:
andrepixel posted:
Kalau di lihar dari Indikator, Eur USD ada kemungkinan untuk turun di level 1.3587, karena sudah berhari-hari bullish trus... 😁

Indikator ane malah sebaliknya mbah BUY EU tp 1.38000, ane udah OP lagi 😄

Sip mas Risgiantoro,
sy yg nunggu sell-limit nya dari Resistance :)
The weakest creature in the world is a human. It's a reason why the human always develop anything to make them stronger. I am here is just for share, not teaching anyone :)
Nov 16, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물95
Feb 24, 2014 at 09:31
risgiantoro posted:
andrepixel posted:
Kalau di lihar dari Indikator, Eur USD ada kemungkinan untuk turun di level 1.3587, karena sudah berhari-hari bullish trus... 😁

Indikator ane malah sebaliknya mbah BUY EU tp 1.38000, ane udah OP lagi 😄

Oh ya jgn lupa check kekuatan euro pd pair EUR/GBP sblm OP baru :)
The weakest creature in the world is a human. It's a reason why the human always develop anything to make them stronger. I am here is just for share, not teaching anyone :)
Mar 06, 2012 부터 멤버   게시물35
Feb 24, 2014 at 09:46
Analisa newbie, GU sideway H4. EU uptrend. Kalibrasi dlu. GU udah tembus 1.67xxxx EU belum tembus 1.4xxxxx
Nov 16, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물95
Feb 24, 2014 at 12:22
yohana posted:
risgiantoro posted:
andrepixel posted:
Kalau di lihar dari Indikator, Eur USD ada kemungkinan untuk turun di level 1.3587, karena sudah berhari-hari bullish trus... 😁

Indikator ane malah sebaliknya mbah BUY EU tp 1.38000, ane udah OP lagi 😄

Sip mas Risgiantoro,
sy yg nunggu sell-limit nya dari Resistance :)

Lumayan Resistance sy kena :)

첨부 파일:

The weakest creature in the world is a human. It's a reason why the human always develop anything to make them stronger. I am here is just for share, not teaching anyone :)
Dec 03, 2012 부터 멤버   게시물13
Feb 24, 2014 at 12:30
yohana posted:
risgiantoro posted:
andrepixel posted:
Kalau di lihar dari Indikator, Eur USD ada kemungkinan untuk turun di level 1.3587, karena sudah berhari-hari bullish trus... 😁

Indikator ane malah sebaliknya mbah BUY EU tp 1.38000, ane udah OP lagi 😄

Sip mas Risgiantoro,
sy yg nunggu sell-limit nya dari Resistance :)

Iya bu, sy juga udah pasang sell limit di situ.
Mudah-mudahan marketnya masih belum bisa tembus resistance itu, kasihan teman-teman yang lain yang masih punya op di bawah 😁
Nov 16, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물95
Feb 24, 2014 at 12:34
Ada yg minat dg EUR/GBP ya?
Sy ada support 0.8070 dan 0.8020, target pertama ke 0.8140,
siapa tahu ada yg cocok buy-limit disitu :)
... siapa tahu support itu kena minggu ini
The weakest creature in the world is a human. It's a reason why the human always develop anything to make them stronger. I am here is just for share, not teaching anyone :)
Nov 16, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물95
Feb 24, 2014 at 12:37
risgiantoro posted:
yohana posted:

Sip mas Risgiantoro,
sy yg nunggu sell-limit nya dari Resistance :)

Iya bu, sy juga udah pasang sell limit di situ.
Mudah-mudahan marketnya masih belum bisa tembus resistance itu, kasihan teman-teman yang lain yang masih punya op di bawah 😁

Sy udh kasih s/p di posisi itu mas Ris, jd utk jaga2 klo loncat atas nembus R intraday gpp breakeven aja, yg penting tdk floating hehe... lg juga msh ada bbrp R diatas sdh sy pasang sell-limit semua :) dapat2 intraday masing2 50 pips gpp ya..
The weakest creature in the world is a human. It's a reason why the human always develop anything to make them stronger. I am here is just for share, not teaching anyone :)
Dec 03, 2012 부터 멤버   게시물13
Feb 24, 2014 at 12:48
yohana posted:

Sy udh kasih s/p di posisi itu mas Ris, jd utk jaga2 klo loncat atas nembus R intraday gpp breakeven aja, yg penting tdk floating hehe... lg juga msh ada bbrp R diatas sdh sy pasang sell-limit semua :) dapat2 intraday masing2 50 pips gpp ya..

Klo menurut saya agak beresiko Sell di 1.3730 karena belum ada alasan/sentimen positif buat EU turun, tapi namanya juga market 100% unpredictable
Nov 16, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물95
Feb 24, 2014 at 12:55
risgiantoro posted:
yohana posted:

Sy udh kasih s/p di posisi itu mas Ris, jd utk jaga2 klo loncat atas nembus R intraday gpp breakeven aja, yg penting tdk floating hehe... lg juga msh ada bbrp R diatas sdh sy pasang sell-limit semua :) dapat2 intraday masing2 50 pips gpp ya..

Klo menurut saya agak beresiko Sell di 1.3730 karena belum ada alasan/sentimen positif buat EU turun, tapi namanya juga market 100% unpredictable

Sell sy td @ 1.3765, sdh s/p for safety.
R di atasnya sy sell-limit jg 1.3847 dan 1.3830 pakai s/p.
R terdekat sbrnya msh ada 1.3794, tp blm sy pasang krn kok terlalu dekat :)
klo sy tdk peduli lg dg berita, sbb rawan market manipulation.
yg agk sulit dimanipulasi oleh market player adalah OB/OS versi sy + S/R, versi sy juga hehe..maklum klo sering ga sama dg tmn2 yg lain. tp kadangkala ada jg pernah sama.

+ just for share, not teaching anyone :)
The weakest creature in the world is a human. It's a reason why the human always develop anything to make them stronger. I am here is just for share, not teaching anyone :)
Nov 16, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물95
Feb 25, 2014 at 12:41
yohana posted:

bila gold lepas breakout dr 1331, maka R berikutnya 1337, 1354 dan 1372 - 1405, lalu 1447 - 1463

(support = buy, resistance = sell)

Gold udh turun ketahan R 1337 utk cari support dibwhnya.
breakout dr situ ke R berikutnya 1354 dan 1372 - 1405, lalu 1447 - 1463
skrg tinggal mau nunggu buy dr support atau nunggu sell dr R :)

첨부 파일:

The weakest creature in the world is a human. It's a reason why the human always develop anything to make them stronger. I am here is just for share, not teaching anyone :)
Nov 16, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물95
Feb 25, 2014 at 16:10
semoga ga ada yg lupa Support USD/JPY ya.... :)
catch falling knife by buy-limit + s/p

첨부 파일:

The weakest creature in the world is a human. It's a reason why the human always develop anything to make them stronger. I am here is just for share, not teaching anyone :)
Jan 15, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물224
Feb 26, 2014 at 01:07
Oh trit Indonesia ada 2 ya... ijin monitor yang disini juga buat nyerep ilmunya.
, , , , , ,
Sep 23, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물60
Feb 26, 2014 at 03:02
DollarAlay posted:
Oh trit Indonesia ada 2 ya... ijin monitor yang disini juga buat nyerep ilmunya.
biza aza loe bro.wkwkwk
Nov 16, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물95
Feb 26, 2014 at 05:32
dukung yuk... :),1
The weakest creature in the world is a human. It's a reason why the human always develop anything to make them stronger. I am here is just for share, not teaching anyone :)
Jul 16, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물9
Feb 26, 2014 at 06:32
Range16 posted:
Ada yang dari Indonesia? ayo kumpul disini 😂
hore ada kandangnya disini
aji no motto we penting mah sabaraha wae disukuri
Feb 26, 2014 부터 멤버   게시물3
Feb 26, 2014 at 15:46
anggota baru hadir
Sep 23, 2013 부터 멤버   게시물60
Feb 28, 2014 at 09:40
dah pada profit minggu ini ? hajar terus sampai pagi langsung di WD gak usah tunggu2 wkwkwkwkwk
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